Random words from a not-so-wise, thoroughly tired Elliott.
"Aaah, Hans Brix?"
Posted by Elliott Scott at 1:18 PM 1 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 9:40 AM 1 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 1:52 AM 5 comments
My little brother is on the phone to the department of transport. He sure knows how to make a good impression:
"Hi... um.. I'd like to make a booking.. or something... to take.. the test... or something."
Good onya bro.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 1:07 AM 0 comments
It's time to get off my fat ass and starting looking for a job. I will get work, get money, have a goal and some job satisfaction. It has begun. Stand back. Here I come. It's go time. Lock and Load.
And other such cliches.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 9:49 PM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 7:14 AM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 1:13 AM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 7:44 AM 1 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 6:42 AM 2 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 5:15 AM 0 comments
I was urged by logic, reason and legality to remove some stuff from my site. I hope you don't think less of me. My morals haven't been comprimised, I still want to say all the stupid things that happen to me, regardless of consequences.
If you want to hear the tale of the P*saga or the mission of the Yellow Dart, just let me know.
I'm Elliott Scott, signing off and throwing away the key.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 3:59 AM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 9:05 PM 0 comments
I got my first comment from someone outside my group of friends. Technically it's my second; but I already knew Terin. Although he did stumble onto my site. ANYWAY.
Someone reading my site left a comment. Max, thank you!
You know what that means? People are actually reading it?! Wicked. Tell all your friends. I want a large fan-base. That way it's more likely someone will lend me money to buy the crack I so deeply deserve. But don't tell them that. Tell them that by visiting my site that can will a very used Mapple I'dratherdiPod! Hooray! 20gigs of songs you won't want to here. And now for some eyecatching words!
I'm Elliott Scott, signing off. And off and off.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 7:29 AM 1 comments
Cry if I want to...
Cry if I want to.....
You would cry too, if it happened to-oo... you...
It's nearly her birthday. Maybe that's why she called. But was too afraid to say anything. Maybe. I dunno if it was an accident.
I was going to call her anyway, and wish her a happy birthday. Or maybe just message her. I don't want to ruin her fun with my sad whinging and longing for her. I don't want to cry on her birthday. I usually cry when I talk to her. I am:
1) A Wuss
2) A HOPELESS Romantic
3) A Loser
Think less of me if you want. It can't be much worse than how I feel about me. Jeez that's sad. I'm in a sad mood. Sorry to drag you in too. Sorry. I write how I think, not how I want to appear. Which is why I'm always talking myself down, and confessing to my own stupidity. I don't like talking myself up.
If you think I was cool, read this blog, that'll change your mind. But at least I'm honest.
I'm Elliott Scott rambling my usual ending, which no-one cares about anyway. Signing off.
PS. If you're wondering why I haven't publically wished her a happy birthday on this site, like I did for other people; it's because she doesn't know about this blog. It's not that I'm afraid for her to read it, or for her to find out that I'm a loser, or for her to see that I'm interested in other girls or anything like that. It's simply I want her to not have me in her life. I hurt her as much as she hurts me. She has a blog too, and if I knew the address I'd read it. Even if it does hurt me. I want her to be happy. I only wish it was with me.
PPS. Telling me to get over it is fair enough. I was over it. Mainly. But like I said, every time I hear from her, or even just see her name, or have a significant date coming up (like her birthday) I get all sad, and drawn back into it.
PPPS. Don't worry, there will be happy blogs soon enough. Soon my pretties, soon.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 4:05 AM 2 comments
I got a call from my ex. I'm still sorta hung up on her, so anything reminding me of her is a big deal. The thing is; the phone only rang once or twice, I was busy helping Tanner install some speakers, so I couldn't answer it.
Did she mean to call me? Was it a mistake? Did she hang up before I could answer?
We made some arrangements in our lives, we can't talk to each other. We tried to be friends for about a year, but it was just too painful. She wanted to be friends, and I wanted to be with her. Niether of us could give each other solely what the other wanted, without personal comprimise, so we agreed not to talk anymore. I told her that if she called me, I would think she wants to get back together. As silly as that is, it's what I think everytime. So if she does call, knowing how it would effect me, it had better be important.
So I get called. But I don't know what about. Or if she even meant to call. And I'm left with as much pain as if I did talk to her.
I forgot to take my medication for the last few days too, so I'm not quite prepared to deal with sad situations.
Also, my name is Elliott. Not Aaron, or Alan, or Alf, so I dunno if she could have accidentally dialed my name.
Do I call? Do I not call? Such is the dilema of the weak at heart.
I'm Elliott Scott, hoping and fearing that she'd call again, signing off.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 11:52 PM 0 comments
I was on Skype tonight when someone messaged me. He asked me for his help with his english homework. I was confused, but glad to help.
His name was Alan. Or Lee Zong-Yan. He lives in Taiwan, and had some homework to do. It was fun to help him. I didn't really do much, just listened to him talk. And listened to the recording he had to repeat. It was really cool. He's really good too, despite he repeated rebutal. He kept apologising for his 'poor english', even though it was perfect.
After the lesson we tried to teach me some chinese. This was HARD!
I learnt "How are you?" and "I love you". Which I can't really type, but I'll try phonetically: "Nee-how mah?" and "Wuah I Nee" respectively.
Then he sang a song. Which was very bizarre, but also REALLY cool. No-one has ever sang for me before. It was like a trans-equator concert just for me. Silly, but cool.
PS. "Zai Jian" is bye, and "Wan An" is goodnight.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 6:38 AM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 5:01 PM 0 comments
To see what websites should be, not my poor excuse for a site, check out my good friend Linus's site. It's well done. And of quality.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 3:44 AM 0 comments
To understand this, we must break it down, in stages.
1. Disestablishmentism is a politcal movenment; the seperation of church and state.
2. Antidisestablishmentism is the opposition of this.
3. Neoantidisestablishmentarianism is the newer version of the oppostition of the movement.
4. Opposing this new wave of opposition to the opposition is contraneoantidisestablismentarianism.
5. A false version of this opposition to opposition is pseudocontraneoantidisestablismentarianism.
6. A state of mind in favour false version is pro-pseudocontraneoantidisestablismentarianistic.
7. Acting in this manor of being in favour is to be acting pro-pseudocontraneoantidisestablismentarianistically
There you go, you are now REALLY smart! But have wasted a good 5 minutes. Which I now own! AAAaaahhhhh...
Ie. Sso
Posted by Elliott Scott at 3:05 AM 0 comments
As strong bad says in his email with the similar title...
"The one-itude is directly proportional to the colditude".
Meaning, the colder the beer, the more of a beer it is.
In my hand I am holding a Jimmy Boag. Which is normally quite a one. Yet, this is a slightly-cooler-than-room-temperature; therefore not much of a one. Cold ones, by very nature are cold. And this is not. It tastes like rotten sprite, rather than the sweet life giving nectar that it normally is.
And now, to seem smrt I shall typea lot of big words.... visa vi, inconcordantly, ergo, hitherto, and the grand-daddy of all big words; propseudocontraneoantidisestablishmentarianistically... which I actually know the meaning of, but will save for another post.
Thus concludes the post.
PS. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go to:
www.homestarrunner.com .... check out the strong bad emails, they be funy.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 2:56 AM 0 comments
Here is another thing that I find odd in the world. But at least this time my point is slightly more valid....
When someone says they LITERALLY did something, it means they really did it. And if someone is speaking FIGURATIVELY, they're speaking in metaphor. But literal and literature come from the same word. So who would something real be written, or a story? Conversely, something figurative, or figure, as in numbers, be fake?
See what I'm getting at?
LITERAL - Literature, stories: fake
FIGURATIVE - Figures, numbers; real.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 7:48 PM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 7:13 AM 0 comments
I locked Tanner's car keys in his car. I am a f*ckwit. I felt so bad. He was quite annoyed. And his mom had to wait at the salon because we couldn't pick her up. RACQ had to come out and jimmy the door open. He was very embarrassed. At least it didn't cost anything. He became a member today.
After waking up in the middle of the night, I stumble into the kitchen only to find my parents rumaging through the fridge looking for munchies. Yes, those kind of munchies. It sucks. They were talking utter shit too. I don't know half of what they were saying... man.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 5:53 AM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 11:51 AM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 1:33 AM 0 comments
Mark: Dude, you rape small children.
Elliott: Well, everyone needs a hobby.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Yes, I know that it makes sense inner monologue, but it still seems weird is all. Oh, HI THERE FOLKS! Didn't see you there. I was just talking to myself about something slightly odd to me, but completely sense-making if you think about it for at least a fraction of a second.
The thing is:
Domestic airports are smaller, crappier and don't seem anywhere nearly as cool as internation airports, yet only big countries have them. WHAT? I know, I know, that makes sense, but think about it from my stupid point of view.
If a country is really big, and developed it can afford to have an international airport. Otherwise it's stuck with a shitty domestic.
I guess I'm caught up with the stigma and connotations of the different airport types, and less concerned with a little thing called logic. But what do you expect from a guy who talks to his inner monologue. Which isn't really inner if I write it down.
Stupid fools. You ... just dont... get it, do you?
Posted by Elliott Scott at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Tanner told me about this crazy error in the Matrix code, that if you type in:
you go to a churchey site. I did exactly what he did, and ended in my crappy site. But looking closely at what he typed, I noticed he spelt blogspot wrong. So he really did go to another site... so here is a blurb from their site.
A mega-site of Bible, Christian and religious information & studies; including,
audio and written KJV Bible, Bible helps & tools, churches, Doctrine, links, news,
prayer, prophecy, sermons, spiritual warfare, statistics, and tracts. Features the
Chronological 4 Gospels, Prayer Book, Prophecy Bible, and a photo tour of Israel.
Good ol' Matrix. I reckon if I was a Matrix character I'd be called... hm.. uh. No, I dunno. Oedipus. Nah.. but maybe. Narcisis. Yeah, that's more accurate.
AS A FOOTNOTE: I downloaded a Darren Hayes cover of that horrible Delta Goodrum song "Lost Without You". It is simultaneously the best and worst song ever. It's a SHITTY song, but at least it ain't Delta. Delta Badrum. Sorry, it had to be said. Then again; Darren Hayes. Hmm.. I'm gonna go hang myself now.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 5:35 AM 0 comments
I didn't have a lucid dream, but I did have some pretty weird ones. I can't remember fully, but I'll explain the bits and pieces.
1. We were in the forest again, filming that panda movie I'm working on. It was sorta like the old art camps I went to back in high school. We were waiting for the rain to stop so we could resume shooting. This chick that I like was there, and she ran up and tackled one of the other crew members. They were sort of play wrestling. Sorta flirting. I was jealous. When the were done, she came over to me, I guess she saw my reaction, and gave me a big hug. I kissed her forehead. I used to do that to someone else.. it meant a lot to me.
2. I was staying in a hotel suite with my family. And again, this chick.. and somehow they had plotted my death. Or they thought I was dead. Im not too sure.
At any rate I was in the bathtub, trying to get this really bad knot out of my neck, when a tornado sucked me out of the wall. Actually it was more like the tornado in Wizard of Oz... accompanied by the music and everything. Crazy.
3. Again with this chick. We were battling some sort of space creatures.
I'm not sure exactly the scenario with this one, but my yr12 math teacher; Ms Garnett was there. She was criticising me for letting one of my friends die, from a drug over-dose. She told me that it was my fault. Even though I knew it had something to do with these little eggs I found.
The chick and me were detention together, I guess because of the horrendous crimes we never commited. And the FBI came I think. And we were running away. I can't remember.
Basically we find a tank full of water in some abandoned silo or something. And there are two sets of 5 eggs. They'd already hatched and there are little baby squid swimming around the tank. Also in the tank is the body of my dead friend. They eat him. And then swim back into the eggs. Then they hatch again laying hundreds of eggs. Which all sort of hatch and start spreading. I don't know. But they were taking over the world. And I didn't really do anything.
Sorry if these don't make sense. Which they don't. But maybe you'll laugh or think of some crazy explanation for them all.
Posted by Elliott Scott at 3:17 AM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Posted by Elliott Scott at 10:54 AM 0 comments
Hey guys
I know I said I'd be posting my bloggeyness up today.... but I can't. I've been somewhat busy with this movie. So, hopefully I'll be able to do it soon. Probably editing tomorra night, so I'll do it then.
Thanks for the patience.
I'm Elliott Scott, signing off and falling asleep. (Sun stroke)
Posted by Elliott Scott at 2:59 AM 0 comments