Tuesday, February 28, 2006



I MADE A HORRIBLY WONDERFUL 'INDIE' FILM using video's I took on my phone. I think the charm is the utter craptitude of it all and the try-hard wankerness that it is pretending to be. Plus it makes fun of all my old classes back in the day. We seriously had to watch this one film from the 70's called "Wavelength"; it was nothing but a SLOW zoom into an out-of-focus painting for 45+ minutes while a mind numbing sine wave went from low-pitch to extremely high-pitched. And whats worse; the teacher was shushing us when we were laughing/yelling/crying. It was truly aweful.

Anyway check out my film by clicking HERE, OR wait till its at Cannes if you want to be a scenester.

PS. The file is a bit big (5.4Mb) so go make some popcorn or something. In fact make it German style; sprinkled with the blood of my relatives. You bastards.


PPS. I've got a theme for the portfolio, well it's more of a graphic style than a theme,... no, it's a theme! Two words: OLD TIMEY. I'm gonna print on brown cardboard and cut out holes for the images, and it'll have delicate type (no Clarendon or Cooper this time baby!) with intricate borders. Woot! I just put this images in to show the gist of it, but it won't look anything like this. So it's hardly worth noticing.


PPPS. That's what I'm talking about! But maybe a bit less serious, and a bit more silly. If that's actually possible...?


Yeah, more like THIS! ... I should really go to bed soon. But I'm on a roll! Oh crap! Work starts in 8 hours, I have to be up in 5. Poop.

Sunday, February 26, 2006



I'VE ACTUALLY DONE QUITE A LOT IN THESE LAST 4 WEEKS, so there's every chance than in the next 6 I can get this done. Hooray!





I'VE GOT TO GET MY NEW FOLIO READY FOR THE TRIP. I need to make it more accesable, easier to look at at a glance, and easier to update when I do new work. But I want to keep the same feeling, the same intimate relationship between me and my work, and the same amount of fun. It's a difficult balancing act. I want it to be more generic, to grab a larger amount of appeal, but at the same time I need it to remain new and interesting. So I'm a bit stuck.


PS. In regards to the stuff for sale, here's how it's being broken down:

LINUS: TV and PS2 (I'm sorry Seiney, Linus did place the first bid, and a higher bid AND he's been a friend for a long time, so I am selling it to him. BUT I wanted to sell it to you for Jason, I hope you can get him something cool. Try Electronics Boutique, they have them for cheap! I've got a game to GIVE you for him, hope theres no hard feelings :-)

SARS: The camera

SARAHS: The speakers

I've still got to sell the bike! Come on peoples it's totally awesome! Y'all know you want it! If I can think of some more crap, I mean 'treasured heirlooms' to sell to you's I'll post it up. Thanks for all your support and strangely promt response. Have you secretly been eyeing my stuff in preparation for this? I'll bet you have? Did you place little markers on the bottom of my stuff to designate who gets what?


PPS. Selling the printer. It's a totally freakin awesome printer that I don't want to sell but I can't really take with me because it's so massive and heavy, but if no-one buys it I will. I'm not reducing the price too much on this one because it's hardly been used, it's still relatively new, under warranty and totally kick-ass and I want it. But if someone wants to buy it they can. I do need the money big-time. But it'll be sad to see it go.

Saturday, February 25, 2006



OKAY, SO HERE ARE SOME IMAGES OF STUFF I'M TRYING TO SELL. I made it a bit Ikea-ish to make it a bit more interesting. The photo's are NOT of my items, they're very similar though. The PS2 and speakers are the same, and the camera is a FILM camera not digital. The TV looks totally the same though.

PRICES: The prices I've listed are what I want, because I need the money, they're reasonable, but if you want to make me an offer I will totally up for that. I'm not doing some sort of eBay style thing, it's first-come-first-serve. And pickup is best, I don't really feel safe shipping these things, they're big, expensive and heavy.

Thanks; IESSO

Friday, February 24, 2006



IT'S A MATTER OF DAYS NOW. We're leaving pretty soon now, I can't quite count it on one hand yet, but still, when you think of it as days it seems a lot closer. And I've got quite a few things to wrap up before I go.

1. See my friends for the last time. I'm gonna miss you all so much. It probably won't be the last time I see you, but it might be, and that's kind of a sad thing. 'Specially Tanner, my longest friend, 8 years is a pretty long time. And Linus, who hasn't been a friend all that long, but we have some sort of friend bond that is rare.

2. Finish the 'Angle Book' (commonly called 'The New Silver Book'). I have a BUTTLOAD to do on this one. I'm about a third of the way there. And I need to be at least 90% done before I leave. I don't want the person who is finishing the book for me to f*ck it up. Which they probably won't but I don't wanna take any chances.

3. Get UNG's passport and both of our visa's, cuz at the moment we're sort of not allowed in the country, even though we have tickets, which is a bit of a scary thought. I don't wanna fly for 22+ hours and then be forced home on the next flight.

4. Sell all my crap to get some extra money. I've got some good stuff, but I can't keep it, so if you wanna buy some cool stuff let me know: PlayStation 2, TV, old-school bike, a good SLR camera, speaker system, various other crap that you might have seen at my house or in a photo or something. Make an offer! Everything about me go!



Wednesday, February 22, 2006



MY COMPUTER KEEPS CRASHING, at random times, repeatedly, but I managed to post this newer version of the Art&God lectures. They made me get rid of the girl, because it wouldn't be approved by external relations. Anyway, no word on when the lectures begin, or who's giving them, but that info will be here soon.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006




I CAN'T SLEEP AGAIN. So instead of lying in bed waiting to pass out, I decided to muck around with the new Illustrator auto-trace again. I played around a few months ago with mixed results, and am trying again now. What I like is: Using the 'Color 6' setting; half of the colors drop out of the image. Ok, so that's not 100% right, I did alter it a bit in Photoshop beforehand, it does have a nice screenprint quality about it. What I'm not so keen on is the details. Because Illustrator is trying to convert pixels to lines some of the stray pixels are misinterpretted so it gets REALLY messy. In particular her arms are a bit frayed looking (look at the close-up of her jat to get an idea of what I mean). Still, this is a HELL of a lot better than the previous version/s autotrace, that was bad at best!

The sharpness of the camera is nice too.


Monday, February 20, 2006



I JUST FINISHED A MEETING with the head of QCA and the 'Media Director' or whatever her title was, and have to make some MAJOR changes to the design. Firstly they don't like the 'abstract images with areas of color' theme I've got going. And the budget was mentioned several times. Apparently it's being much more restricted now than I was previously told, and allowed for. Which is annoying to say the least.

Whatever. There's not much I can do. But I have a BUTTLOAD of work to do now, this book will be my life for the next few weeks/months. HOORAY!


PS. Haha! Yep! It's me on the last page! HOORAY! Narcissism rulz!

Sunday, February 19, 2006



WE BOOKED OUR FLIGHT TODAY! We're going to Seoul for a night (at the airlines expense!) then on to London, then Dublin, then from Dublin to New York! So to get into the spirit of travel, let's play a game: Can you name the city where the photo was taken? It's patronizingly easy! YAY!





These posters have it all! Distressed backgrounds, minimal color schemes, angled text, vector illustrations, Futura! They're awesome. And the movie looks awesome too! Zorro meets 1984! I can't wait.


APARENTLY i didnt make it clear enough: I didn't do these posters. Oh no! But I do very much like them. It's totally my style...

Thursday, February 16, 2006


OK, SO THE SITE ISN'T/WASN'T WORKING. But I fixed it... sort of. The problem was that I had saved the old index page (the first pages that loads) as 'index.htm' and the new one as 'index.html'. So when I replaced the old site with the new the index pages didn't replace each other. So when it loaded it wouldn't load the new one. so I've straightened THAT out. BUT the next problem is that somehow I made the site 'mondayne.com' instead of 'www.mondayne.com'.

BUT if you go to mondayne.com you'll be able to see it. CLICK HERE if you want. Some other bugs still need to be fixed, but I need your help in finding them. THANKS!

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off

PS. There has been much questioning to what 'IESSO' means. It's the acronym for how I signed off the first post, and most posts subsequent to that, but I got lazy and couldn't be bothered typing the full phrase ... so... there you have it!




I WASN'T HAPPY with the 'Silver Book' concept I've been working on. It was feeling professional, interesting or ... um... good enough. So I deleted it all and started again. What do you think? The cover is staying the same, and it's generally VERY similar but the little difference makes.. uh.. all the difference.

As you can tell I can't think straight.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006



I FINALLY DID MY PORTFOLIO SITE. It's been uploaded onto my web address www.mondayne.com if you wanna check it out. At the moment though, it still needs some work: Some of the text isn't finalised, and I am having a few problems with rollovers (in Firefox OSX) but in Safari (Macs default web browser) it works great!

Have a look, give me some feedback, and some help.


PS. Eventually I will be making a switch from the blogspot format to the new site, so for blog updates and the like you'll have to go to my site. But that won't be a for a WHILE and I'll let you know well in advance.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I SEEM TO ATTRACT THE CRAZY ONES. I was at the station on my way home when a guy walked up to me trying to bum a cigarette. "Hey, can you spare a smoke?" I shake my head apologettically. "Do be a f*cking asshole, GIVE ME A F*CKING SMOKE!" I give him one. Reluctantly. And scared. He has a look of total rage in his eyes. "I need a f*cking light too!"

ALSO. Finished that poster. Hardest $150 dollars I've ever made! Not impressed, but in no state to refuse work. It's not radically different from the previous version I put up, but it's a bit more refined in regards to the shading.


ALSO ALSO: Working on my online portfolio to have it ready before I leave. It's gonna be simple. And HTML-based. Fingers crossed. I am REALLY bad at web design. Well, not so much the design as the production. HOORAY!


Sunday, February 12, 2006

RETROSPECTICUS: A long post of moderate substance

I JUST READ LINUS'S POST ON HIS BLOG about how his iPod was stolen, and he put things into perspective. It got me thinking about how lucky I really am. I reread a bunch of old posts from this time last year. A lot has changed.

1 YEAR AGO: The pool party/Luau. I promised everyone to get laid, and to my knowledge no-one did. Yep. Figures.



MY LIFE has changed a lot, and my outlook has changed too. Here is good stuff, in list form!

1. I am in a happy, loving relationship with a girl who's name I can't mention and for all you know could be made up! But I am happy and lucky to have met someone like her, who not only do I get along with great, but am inspired by, in awe of, and respect, but also love and loved by in return.

2. My career, while not exactly going anywhere at the moment may be soon enough. I have graduated (not officially yet) from my university course after 5 years of study, with top portfolio, and am gaining some confidence in my work. Or at least my outlook on future career plans. I'm not saying my work is great, but it's a lot better than it was even 6 months ago. Liveworm has helped a lot, and UNG has helped a lot too! But also my friends, mainly but not restricted to my fellow designers have always given me honest opinions that I am usually too proud to listen to, but end up using their advice in the end.

3. I have a goal for the short-term and long-term futures; travelling in April to the UK, Europe and USA. I will look for work there and hopefully get some good experience at some cool studios and do some cool stuff. I will also finally start exploring the world that I've peered out to from the fishtank of Australia (no-offense, but it is FAR away) and will have the adventures I crave.
In the long-term I plan on getting 5-10 years experience at studios doing some designs, hopefully building up at least a small amount of recognition and open my own studio. I plan on doing something similar to the Liveworm situation, but more to do with travelling designers, offering somewhat of a half-way house for vagrant designers. And designers straight out of uni. No-one gives them jobs, but I will! I will.

4. I am also starting to get some recognition and praise from clients (ok, they're just the uni) but the same clients keep coming back to me for work to get done. I like that feeling, I'm not just a designer, I'm Elliott. They want ME to do their work, not just anyone. Which is a new feeling for me. And I honestly like it. Fine, call me vain or narcassistic or whatever, but I'm just being honest.

5. I have a new Powerbook and iPod and other material possesions that are just posessions, but I like them, and am thankful to have them. They let me work at home, and stay awake on the train. So it's all good.

6. I have a supportive family, and my health, and all the other stuff that I take for granted. But I had that a year ago too, so it's not at the top of my list.

7. Lastly, and maybe most importantly; my mental health has drastically improved over the last year. I was reading those posts, and damn, they're depressing. Even the name 'Mondayne' is sssoooo depressing. I really am not the same person I was a year ago. I like this new me, and gosh-darnit (yeah, that's right!) I'm gonna enjoy this! Because it might not last forever. Although I hope it does!




I GOT A FREELANCE JOB yesterday to do a poster for a theatre company. It was all good, the brief was interesting, I had an interesting concept, and it was all going ahead. I sent the client my price breakdown, and that's when the situation broke down as well. She called me, saying she didn't understand my costs. I told her that I was only going to charge her $200 for concept, $200 for final artwork and $100 for a postcard based on the original design.

She was shocked! She got all upset, like I had told her I killed her family. She thought I was going to do it for free. Apparently all the students in the past did it for the recognition. Uhuh. Well I ain't no student! I says: "This ain't amatuer hour, I'm not doing this for free!" She told me that if she liked the design she could give me $100 out of her own pocket. NOPE! I can't do that. If you don't like it, I've just wasted my time. She agreed to give me $100 for a concept and $150 if she wants it.

I agreed. Reluctantly. I need the money, otherwise I would've told to find someone else. It's high-time I put my foot down. I've bent over backwards to make clients happy. And they always end up screwing me over. I'm not the clients friend. And I don't have to build up a working relationship with a client, cuz I'm outta here soon.

Grumble grumble grumble! Was I being too harsh?


PS. I don't want to hear any _complaints about Cooper or Clarendon! I figured that because she's paying so little I'm doing this how I want. And that means EXCATLY how I want, imagery, colors, fonts, everything.

Friday, February 10, 2006


THIS IS JUST A LITTLE WARNING: So listen up! I am putting up these images in good faith that any design elements won't be stolen, but anything does you will be prosecuted. All designs belong to me untill published and after that the client. Liveworm will use it's lawyer to prosecute anyone plagarising these designs at this stage, and once published the clients will too. So you may look at the work, but you may not use any of these designs. Thanks.

Thursday, February 09, 2006



I'VE GOT THE CRAZIEST ASSIGNMENT EVER. The clients are doing a series of controversial lectures (isn't everything controversial these days?!) about God and religion in art, the pro's and con's and the for and against and I'm supposed to do the posters for them. This involves drawing this image here, and making it look like a decal found on a skateboard. THEN I have to buy a skateboard and 'age' it by throwing it around, grinding it and generally scuffing it up, and putting the decal on it, as well as all the text.

At this stage the image is VERY rough, crudely drawn, poorly rendered and featuring a busted up face, but I'll update you on the progress so you can get a better idea of how it's SUPPOSED to look.

NOW, I need to know, is this image particularly offensive? and how? Does the religious allignment offend you? Or the scantly clad girl imagery offend? The people at work are totally non-religious and have no problems with that side of it, but don't like women being seen as sex-objects. As a form of justification (bullsh*t) I might point out two things: 1. The client who this is for is a woman, and 2. She's actually a dominatrix, therefore being sexually in charge, rather than a submissive sex-toy role.

But still, let me know your opinions. AND let me know how to fix her face. It's totally screwed up at the mo'.



Finally done. I can stop annoying people all around the world now. Sorry everyone!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006



SO MY LIFE ISN'T EXACTLY FILLED WITH EXCITEMENT AT THE MO', but the design for the 'Color Book' is coming along nicely. I have made some design changes:
(a) spine on cover [top]
(b) color segments taken from color wheel [middle]
(c) color bars on edge of photographs [bottom].

This is my life for the next few weeks. Monday's posts might be interesting after the weekend, but probably pretty boring between. Those zany antics at work theory is probably not going to pan out, there's too few of us to be silly, and we're too dedicated to muck-around. Sort of.


Monday, February 06, 2006





They're nice, and beautiful, and full of vibrant color? Oh. That's why.

Do you remember the Silver Book/Space Book from last year? Well because they hated the concept, I'm redoing it. But instead of 'Discovery' being the theme it's now 'An Alternate Angle'. Wow. Sheer genius. Anyway it's based around geometry and breaking from the norm, and all that stuff. The insides will have this color wheel broken apart, each segment representing a person blah blah blah. It looks nice anyway. And the reason there is a big white gap is because the book will actually be cut on a 12.5 degree angle. And the insides will have rotated text to match. Unconventional? Odd? TOTALLY!


PS. If you have any suggestions, comments or gentle criticsm, please let me know. I'm totally brain-dead and uninspired lately, so I might need a gentle prod in the right direction.

PLEASE NOTE: Again, this is a work in progress. All designs belong to me. Intellectual theft WILL be dealt with. Any theft of logo's, slogans and other branding belonging to Griffith University will be dealt with by them. And they're a bunch of bastards. I heard one guy was put into the cement during construction of the foundation of the new dental school. Because he drew a book that just resembled the Griffith logo. So watch out!



THAT IS THE SADDEST THING YOU COULD EVER HEAR. I think I said that once a year ago, but I'm saying it again!

Anyway today was a LLLLOooooonnnnngggggg day. If you look at the timestamp on the post below you'll see that I was up ALL NIGHT again. I woke up at 11.30 sunday morning and have been up since. I went to LW today at it was boring and draining and I couldn't think because I was tired. I got to the office at 7.00am and it opened at 9, so there was a nice little wait. And work dragged on, and when I finally got to go home I couldnt wait to go to sleep. I asked my dad for a ride, which he sometimes does, and tonight I got yelled at instead. I didn't clean my room. Yeah, seriously. I don't really care, and it sort annoys me that he makes me clean it. I can't wait to get out of here. So instead of walking I watched some Futurama on the iPod, went to a dodgy mexican resturant (where the photo was taken) and wallowed in shame and stewed in anger.

And now I am friggin exhausted. Shirely tomorrow will be better.


Sunday, February 05, 2006



LIKE I SAID, I CAN'T SLEEP. I'm supposed to be at liveworm in 6.5 hours and awake in 3.5 so it's too late for bed. I didn't mean to stay up. I went to bed at 9.30 to get plenty of sleep, but at 11 I was still awake and not even remotely sleepy. I decided to get back into the swing of things by 'designing' something, although its not much of an ad. campaign like I wanted. I do like the illustration though, nice and rough looking. I acheived this look by using the trackpad and the pencil tool in Illustrator. And the colors were picked using photoshop's 'variation' mode.


Saturday, February 04, 2006






SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED THIS WEEK; I was a bit busy doing some things to personal and uninteresting to post about. Sort of good stuff and some bad stuff. But it's sort of worked out now, so I should be back to usual. I finished my lowrider bike painting and color modification, and phase 2 and 3 are going to begin soon. Phase 2: Adding mirrors and a longer sissy bar, phase 3: NEON LIGHTS! It will rule. And photos will be put up soon.

PHOTOS: Top 3 taken using the polaroid camera, bottom montage using camera on phone. I like the one of the UNG, for once she didn't screw up her face in terror of the camera. Sweet.


PS> Back to LiveWorm tomorrow, so expect exciting updates on new projects I'm working on, and stories about the zany antics we get up to at work. (PLEASE NOTE: There may not be zany antics)