I'M EXPERIMENTING with different types of gradients. I think the general effect is pretty good. But don't say anything about it not being 100% 80's. That's not the point at all. I was just trying new color combinations that I hadn't done before, and trying to get the gradient meshes right...
PS. I'm also having a real tough time sleeping. Don't know why. It's funny; when I care about my work and am passionate about it I can't sleep, and when I don't care if at all I can. So I'm not sleeping now, where as at Cº I did.
I replied to your comment to me on your previous post...
decided to say hey on this one.. just to let you know to read the other one :P
oh and btw I'm confused bout this post. don't really get what it means.. lol, should I?
guess the question is - are you in IT design or whatev?
IT design? Is there such a thing? Sounds like an oxymoron to me...
There's nothing to 'get'. It's just an experiment with colours and gradient and stuff like that.
Do you mean Graphic Design? I am a graphic designer. I design for print mostly (stuff like catalogs, brochures, flyers, t-shirts, etc.) but I also design for screen (websites, web-banners, multimedia discs) but I can't build them.
Most people who read this blog are gr. designers as well, check out our portfolios for an idea of what we do. My blog has a link on the top-left corner (in the Links section). Linus has one too but it's not ready yet...
er uh, yeah I meant gr designers.
sorry, I'm in Law.
J: No, thats cool.
Incidentially; how did you find my blog? From Linus's I assume...
Cool cool...
Well you post so much on his blog & I know everyone else who posts on it (Linus' blog)..but didn't know you so just followed the link.
Have you not heard that Linus reckons I'm a teeny-bopper?!?!?
Fair enough, I agree I do post pretty useless things but in person I am in no way teen-boppery. No matter WHAT Linus says/thinks.....don't listen to him. I'm a pretty rad chick ;)
Jess, come on, who do you think I'm gonna believe, some tenny-bopper or one of my closest friends?! COME ON!
Actually I'm not sure if Linus has mentioned you, he doesn't talk all that much about his 'other' group of friends to his 'uni friends'.
Also, don't you have a MySpace page? I think if nothing else, that means you ARE a teeny-bopper.
Also, don't say "RAD". I said 'rad' in 1991-2, the same phrase can't be used twice before I'm considered old.
Hmmm, being 'in' law makes no difference. Its all about common sense. The post is clearly about his experimentation with gradients [as you would gather if you were to actually read what is written].
IT design? haha, thats new - ive never heard that one before. Is that an inside thing for people 'in law'? Because if it is, I missed that memo. hahaha.
Oh well, gives me a good laugh i suppose.
Its been a while since I last posted something. Feels good. I'm so excited for you guys, less than 2 days left.
Elliot!!!! I am not a teeny-bopper!!!
And I dont have a myspace, thank you very much! I have a blog..maybe if you followed the link from my name...
And I thought I was aware that Linus has/had a myspace just so that he could work out how to delete it!
Acutally I don't think I would nor would Linus considered me in his 'other group' of friends. maybe? maybe not? but Linus & I, we talk but we don't really hang out.
Also yeah nah he doesn't talk about his 'uni friends' either...
Oh and maybe you're offically old now..but than again I don't know why I used 'rad' - I never say that.
So I'll say it again using diff words - I'm a pretty down-to-earth fun loving chick. That better??? Far from being the teeny-bopper I look to be from my blog.
I know, lame excuse, sure - i didn't know what else to say.
sorreeeeeeee for not being down with the whole graphical designers stuff.
I did read what was written there. but I just wanted to know what exactly he was into..
also Law has nothing to do with gradients meshing or whatev. so I had a fair call.
Ok Jess, I retract my 'Teeny-bopper' statement, and my accusation of having a MySpace site. I've read your blog a few times too, I think I might have even commented once!
aw thanks.
can't say I've seen a comment from you but then again it could've been a while back now.. i dunno.
oh, you've changed ur pic.
...I am well aware law has nothing to do with gradients. That's beside the point. I guess some just catch on a lot easier than others.
On a side note, that's great that you think you're down to earth and all that stuff. It just seems to me that you may be selling yourself a little too much.
Anyways I'm off - good ol' property work. Always fun :-P
man, why do I always cause controversy or like pay outs or like things where ppl are like 'your a teeny-bopper' or 'your up yourself'.
and then when I try to defend myself & I come across as like uptight & all. damn it man.
Like yeah
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