"Her name is class. eh?"
I called dcoy demanding an explanation!
"Can I speak to Gavan please?"
"Hi Gavan my name is Elliott, I'm just calling in response to an email my girlfriend got from you. She sent you a letter of application and her portfolio, and you said that you weren't interested, AND THAT'S FINE. That's not the issue. The issue IS why you would write in an email: 'Her name is class. eh?'."
"Oh, uh... well... 'class' is an Irish word for nice"
"Uhuh, and it wasn't sarcastic at all?"
"No, no. Her work is wonderful..."
"It's not about the work at all. I want you to explain why your personal comments were attached to a professional email"
"Uh.. that's a good question. I don't know"
"I think it's extremely unpro.." *CLICK* He hung up on me.
I called back.
It takes a lot to really make me mad, but this was enough. And when I'm mad, I get very mad. How dare they make fun of her name, and attach that to her email! For those of you who may want to criticise me for my overreacting antics, Soryi was upset about the email. And unprofessionalism is not cool. Especially when a comment like that may be taken as an insult (even if what he said was true and it wasn't an insult{which is don't believe for a second}). The point is Soryi and myself (and everyone I showed the email to took it as an insult) and she deserved an explanation at least, and preferably an apology.
I'm Elliott Scott, steam blasting from my ears, signing off.
PS. Passion of the Christ ALL OVER AGAIN!
PPS. Victoria Beckham's new book title: "The Poshion of the Spice!" (Hilarious, I know!)
PPS. (About the censoring of the image) Soryi has asked me to block out her personal email and email address. Which is fair enough, it does not affect the understanding of the situation by being blocked out.
I think what you did was right-on. You stood up for her and you tryed to make that jerk see how unprofessional he is, as well as exposing his prejudice.
P.S. My new self-annointed nickname is TOGG.
The old grouchy guy.
Yes and no, Maybe it was unproffessional of me to loose me control, but I agree that the call was in order. I just wish I didn't get so mad at him.
Not a fan of the nickname, you're not THAT old. :)
I love that you left old mate Gavan's email address on the post though... is that so we can vent our frustration at him also?? :P
I think your call (the first one anyway) was very justified and would be taking your concern higher. Maybe even giving Aisling a call or finding out who Gavan's manager is.
Yep, left his email on purpose. He is the boss. Heh heh heh.
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