Wednesday, April 11, 2007



SO WE'RE LEAVING TODAY. In a few hours actually. I'm really going to miss it hear. I know I complain sometimes, but this last year was a great experience and I am very glad we did it. Seeing Dermo again was great, and meeting loads of new people, working in a few studios to get a feel for everything was really good, if not always fun. Travelling was totally awesome, not just to 'The Continent' but also around Ireland, it was very nice.

Overall I'd say I am extraordinarily happy we came over here. It was entirely worth it. The wonderful experiences, and what we learnt at work and about life and all that, it was great. I don't know if I'd recommend coming to Ireland from Australia unless you were coming over for either a short time, or a long time. A drunken weekend is fine, but I think it was really good to get a nice feel for Ireland, or Dublin at least, it actually feels like home. Everytime we arrived at the airport (except the first time of course) it felt like home. It's a rough city but it certainly has a lot of charm.

We're gonna miss ol' Ireland.

I'll write a bit more and post up some pictures soon. Maybe. I wouldn't count on it actually. Although I might. But probably not.


PS. The UK is only across the way, so we'll probably be back to visit, but maybe not for a little while. But no, it's not like I'll never see it again, and more importantly the people in it.
PPS. That photo of Soryi is in the Hugh Lane Gallery, which we went to last week. Not today. I don't know why I posted it. Kinda blank, like there's nothing left to say.
PPPS. I found 3 grey hairs, and 2 in my beard. Stress?

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