HERE'S A SHORT VIDEO TOUR OF LONDON. It's very rough, amatuerish and the compression levels are poor. But it should be still watchable... I can send you a CD with the full size file if you really want... I had to edit it in iMovie, which doesn't allow you multiple video channels and only 2 sound channels, so it's all a bit abrupt. The music fades in a bit weird... Despite it being so crappy, I'm really proud of it, especially the ending. It was a lot of fun to do, although it did take 4 days to finish.
PS> I'm chewing gum throughout the whole thing because I've been off cigarettes for 2 weeks, and on the nicoteine gum instead. So far so good.
Hey dude, nice to see you off the cancer sticks! Although not really see you. Because I'm on dialup. In Lappland. But I look forward to seeing the video once I get back on the real internet. Wow. It's like a flashback. It's 2002 all over again. :) Keep us posted with your progress in the job hunt!
Lapland. Diallup. Cool and haha! Well, when you come over you can see it all for yourself.
hey dude, just gave it a watch (after a 2 hour wait for it to download). Much better than I expected! In a good way! Of course, the audio editing was a little sketchy, but it's totally a great little video. Personal, and impressive. You should start your own video podcast! ;)
Dude that was totally awsome!
I kinda wanna see london now :(
Ps. can you take a photo of M16 headquaters for me (if you happen to go near it)?
YAY! You guys like it! :)
Tanner, I'll totally go to MI5, I don't think MI6 is real... isn't that James Bond?
Ooops, just wikipediaed it... It totally does exist (IN SECRET!!!!!) so yeah, if I can find it, I'll do my best... I don't want them roughin me up or anything though.
Did you see me cross Abbey Road?! Cool!!!
U shoulda done it bare foot.
Well.. i dont know if the headquaters in the movie are the actual headquaters... its prolly just city hall or something
Yeah, I was gonna do it barefoot but there was broken glass on the road... But maybe next time I can get the camera lined up all nice like, and then take 4 photo's and stitch them together. OR you can Linus came come visit at the same time and all four of us can do it at once (You/Tanner, Linus, Soryi and me)
Well....??? Whatya reckon? He's gonne be here soon, so you'd better hurry.
Wow. That made no sense.
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