"I have an interview on wednesday." Hooray! Actually I have another interview on the 25th as well, but it's in Winchester (which is not in London) so I'm less excited. The one on wednesday is in a marketing firm, and the one in a few weeks is a small, creative studio. Nervous about both.
Congratulations! Hope all goes well for you. Would you consider the 1 hour commute to work at the other studio if you got an offer and were impressed with their work?
Heck yeah I would. I used to travel 3 hours to go to a shitty job. Plus travelling to Liveworm everyday for nearly a year too! So definitely I would.
Also, Linus: I bought an inflatable mattress for you (and other people) to stay! It was only £14 too, so it's great! I didn't get a blanket though, I'm assuming you've got a sleeping bag. I did get pillow, sheets, pillow case and all that sort of thing...
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