Monday, July 30, 2007



YESTERDAY WAS A SUNNY DAY so we went out walking in the afternoon. It was nice. We ended up in the Tate Modern in South Bank. We caught the bus back, and took some cool photo's on the way. If you're ever in London, and don't want to pay for a tour bus, but do want to catch a bus that shows you everything, try the 139. It goes from Waterloo Bridge in the south to West Hampstead in the north. I've got a nice Flickr set to show you the journey. You can see Houses of Parliment and the Thames riverbanks, Trafalgar Square, St James Park, Piccadilly Circus and even the Abbey Road crossing. Pretty good no?

Check it out yo!

ALSO: We saw Sophie Ellis Bextor in Soho. Soryi was all "Hey!! There's SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTOR!" and I was all like "WHAT?! WHERE!" and she was standing like a foot away looking at us yelling about her. It was funny.


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