SAW THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM LAST NIGHT. And holy crap! Without giving anything away I can give you a review of the movie by saying that several points in the film where everyone let out a "f*ck me..." in sheer amazment of how cool and tough Jason Bourne is. And what makes him tought and cool? No fancy Aston Martin. No Matrini's. No Walther PPK/7s. No McClane smirks either. He usually doesn't even use a gun. Especially in the cool fight scenes. And this isn't just the third one either.
TBU was definitely better than the first movie and second too. While the first one was cool, it just looks a little dorky and dated. The second was a little boring but looked very slick. This has the best of both. The action was so fast you're afraid to breath in case it distracts you. And it's like that from the very beginning.
My only gripe is that Matt Damon's character has no memory, so he doesn't really have much to say. He's left with a kind of blank but slightly annoyed face all the time. That's fine when he's doing something, but when he's talking to Julia Stiles's character in one scene, and she's got a permanently blank face too, and it's supposed to be emotional, it borders hilarious and awkward!
Ratings? ✭✭✭✭½. Very watchable!
PS. Included here because it has nothin to do with the review of the movie: But it was also totally cool to be in the city that the movie took place in! There were totally loads of shots of London where we were all "that's just around the corner from where you work" and "hey, I know that place!" and "I catch that train all the time!". It was awesome. And hilariously the only other time that would've been possible was when I was in New York, because movies take place there all the time! But I saw Children of Men there, and that takes place in London! Anyway, it was totally cool.
PPS. I'm not sure what the posters are like where you are, but the ones here are totally friggin' awesome! There's black and white, with a split screen effect, one side has a mid-shot and the other a close up. The text runs across both. It's really cool looking, and different from any movie poster I can remember seeing. I think the USA ones are below. And they're totally stupid in comparison. They're exactly like what you'd expect them to be like.
old tomato? that's awful.
also, what movie is there left to see together when i get back to london?
1. Awfully awesome.
2. Wah, wah, wah, someone is a total girl.
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