Yesterday was a LONG day. Here's the story. Listen good there might be a pop-quiz after.
I woke up a 6.30am tuesday to go to work. We had meeting with a client about a christmas card we had to design. Got to work for the 10 oclock meeting. It was cancelled. "OOps, forgot to tell you guys", said Sebsatian. Tuesday was our last day to do the folio before it was do, I was in no mood to mess around so i was naturally annoyed. I missed my fashion test because I hadnt studied so I failed the class. Will probably have to repeat it now.Graduating? Probably not till next year. Whatev.
Messed around at work for a bit nothing to do. Needed to go home to print stuff. UNG and her sister were there. We went to my place to use my printer. Got to Helensvale, messed around at the mall, got a nice headache from her sisters talking, she's 15 so I dont mind so much, but still was somewhat grumpy and stressed. UNG took her sister home at 5, I went home to start without her.
UNG arrived at 6.30 and we began working properly.
Printed out my folio and her folio, finally got the printer to print nicely. I already spent close to $1000 on the printer, and another $60 on paper, and $50 on ink, and she bought some more ink and her own paper. But the paper I got didn't work so I had to spend some more money on paper, which had no gaurantee to work! It was catridge paper, feels like cheap rough paper which was perfect for my needs... luckily it worked. But as soon as we started printing the photo inks ran out so we couldnt print high quality! It worked out ok though, so no big deal.
I finished printing around 1am, with UNG having a bit more to print. We took turns in case there was a problem, if we were going down for bad printing, we were going down together! She finsihed at about 2am. All was good, it was looking pretty nice. We were exhausted but generally happy with the work. Time for cutting.
And by cutting we mean the folio, not my finger. Unfortunately I didn't get that memo and sliced a 2mm deep, 12mm long chunk out of my finger. It didn't really hurt. At the time. It didn't bleed either. I freaked out though, in my own little way. For about 1/2 a second I had a little panic attack, stood up, hopped around grabbing my not yet bleeding hand wondering what to do. I got the the bathroom sink, and the bleeding started. Blood was PISSING OUT! It looked like I smashed a bottle of ketchup in the sink. It was soaked in blood. SOAKED! I got some bandages out of the cupboard wrapped it super-f*cking tightly around my entire finger and waited for the bleeding to stop. It didn't. Soaked right through the bandage. I took it off, washed my finger, THE PAIN STARTED. It hurt like f*ck! I'm not talking "Ouch, that smarts", or even "Auuuugggghhh!!!!" but so much pain the world went silent. I couldn't hear anything and if I screamed it was either silent or I couldn't hear it. It hurt. After I pathetically washed it, wrapped it up again with some heavy duty bandage even tighter. And went back to work. By the way, UNG is afraid of blood and stood by the bathroom door with a disgusted screwed up face. It was cute/silly, but kind of annoying cuz I needed her help. Oh well.
I tried working for a bit, but was getting tired. Did I mention I didn't eat anything? And that it was about 3am. Well thats what it was. Anyway we worked for a bit more, readying things for the next morning. I was getting dizzy and sleepy what with the bloodloss and the stress and all, but UNG needed to do a bit more work so I tried to stay awake. I couldn't really so I watched TV untill she was ready. She finished her stuff and helped me with my stuff too. She cut all the extra things I was making (so nice of her) WITHOUT cutting herself [I'm banned from stanley knives now] and we went to bed.
Or at least that was the plan. We did go to bed, but we didn't get any sleep. And not because of sexy "hooray we're done, let us have wild animal sex to celebrate!" oh no, it was much much work. And a lot less sexy. We didn't sleep because I was in too much pain. I'm telling you, this finger REALLY hurt. I took 3 panadiene forte's (which about 10 times more codeine than normal panadiene [or something like that]) and it didnt help. They make you drowsy too, but I was too scared about wednesday and the work we still had to do, and about my finger getting gangrene from the bandages being too tight. UNG got a few hours of sleep I might have gotten about half an hour. I was feeling really crap trying to sleep and the UNG was hugging me. I can't express how wonderful that felt. I was in so much pain and discomfort and the simple act of touching me and hugging me almost made the pain go away. Still couldn't sleep, but without her I probably would have went insane, started crying and given up long ago. THANK YOU UNG!
'Woke' up at 6.30 to finish working and get ready. We gathered our stuff and left for the 8.10 train. The plan was to get to uni finish binding the folios and hand them in before 10am when they were due. Then I was supposed to go to the city, collect Linus's and hand his in too. None of this happened. I called Linus the night before at 3ish to tell him what happened about my finger and that I'd try to help him but wasn't sure. At 6am I called Will to try to get him to go to the city instead of me. I was worried I was gonna wake him but I didn't really have much choice/concern... luckily I didn't wake him. He was busy, tried Glen. He was awake too and agreed to help (thanks dude!)
Got to uni at 9am, binded the folio and rested untill UNG was ready. Sebastian was asking me all sorts of questions about why I did this or that, and why didn't I do this? I was in NO MOOD to talk. He was complaining about the printing quality, and he was asking why I wouldnt care. Hmmm a finger thats on the verge of falling off?! I don't know.
UNG finished her folio at about 11.30, a bit last but we didnt care. What are they gonna do? Not let us graduate cuz we were 1 1/2 hours late?! I think not. Besides. My finger hurt. It still was bleeding. I went into the bathroom to change dressings. BLOOD EVERYWHERE! I wrapped it up with some napkins and tape and we went to the hospital to get it looked at, possibly stitched up.
Got to the Mater Hill hospital, which by the way has the dumbest emergency ward location EVER! Its at the top of a hill around the corner, at the back of the hosptial. Nice and conveinient. We nearly passed out walking up the hill from the heat. Not cool. At. All. Anyway walked into emergency, went to the counter and saw the triage nurse (we know what triage is right? Its the assesment of patients based on seriousness of their condition) She classsified my injury as "BLOODY OOZE +++" which may or may not be bad, but it sounded bad. She asked if the cut went to the bone. I didn't think so. I didn't think that was even possible with my amount of pain, it hurt but not THAT bad. I thought a bone cut would be really REALLY bad, so I wasn't sure. I waited about 5minutes to see the doctor, which is not a good thing, it meant I was serious. She looked at the wound, and went to get a second opinion. A second opinion?! That's not a good thing. That means something is bad. My finger was numb. I had nerve damage. It will heal, but not for a few months. No stitches though. Not because I didn't need it, but because after 12 hours of a skin flap there's not much stitches can do. The flap will either fall off or it won't, stitches won't help.
Anyway after she cleaned it with saline solution, wrapped it up properley and gave me a tetnis shot, which don't tickle one bit, in fact they hurt, not then, but later (now, as I'm writing this!) I was feeling woozy. No, not from the blood, I can handle that, but from the heat, the no sleep, the no food, the pain, the stress and the cigarettes I had to dull the pain. I threw up. The doctor said to UNG "He's a bit of a wimp, isn't he?" I resent that. But she fixed my hand so it's ok.
Anyway after that was all done we went back to uni and chillaxed for a bit. Then we left and went to the Roma St gardens to chillax properly. We walked around for AGES trying to find a nice quiet, shady spot away from people. Eventually we did, hung around till 3.30 and parted. I got to Helensvale at 4.30, waited till 5 for the bus and got home. Stayed awake watching a hilarious movie called 'The Hebrew Hammer', which is like a jewish 'Shaft' and feel asleep at 8.30pm. I was awake for 38 hours. And those were the most intense 38 hours of my friggin life. INSANE. In the membrane. Or maybe insane in the brain.
Anyway that's my story. If it was a soap opera that would have taken about 3-4 years to show. And I guess my evil twin would have been in it, but nonetheless, it was utter madness!
BELOW: The Mondayne branding. There's the folio, the sample bag and the business cards. There's a few more suprises but you'll have to wait till friday to see them. They're fun and goofy. And it's all about the gimmicks!