Monday, November 21, 2005


I WROTE an essay for Professional Studies four weeks late and on the train in half an hour the day it was due, and got 6's & 7's out of 10! What? And to make matters more bizarre I wrote in the first paragraph that I did no research! And I never proof read it or did a spell check. And for the research criteria i got a 6/10?! NO RESEARCH!



PS. I am without any computer at the moment so my posts with be infrequent and imageless for a while. My 12in laptop is being repaired and then sold for scraps and I've ordered a 17in laptop but it wont arrive for another week or two. Please don't feel neglected or unloved, we both know you only read this because you're bored, and not because you actually care. ###sigh###

Ha ha! Kidding! Not upset! Don't care! Woot.

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