Thursday, November 24, 2005


Freedom from Want

Yesterday/today is Thanksgiving depending on which timezone you're in. Normally my family has a big feast planned, but this year the oven wasn't working so the dinner was postponed. I still wanted my turkey dinner though, so the hunt was on to find it! We went to all the American steak-houses in the Brisbane CBD, as well as the carvery places, hotels and just about anywhere that had a promising lead. In the end we gave up. No turkey. Plenty of steak though (as people kept insisting) We bit the bullet and ended up under the Myer Centre at Sizzler.


Although not ideal we could at least stuff ourselves full of foods, recreating the great feast. So over dinner I had time to think, between fulling my ob with food that is, of what I am thankful for:

I am happy with the way my life is working out. Ok sure, I have my problems, internal and external but the world doesn't seem so dark, meaningless and empty anymore. Partly because I have found someone whom I can love, but also because I may actually be able to pull off the impossible task and become an adult. I have a chance of getting a job, I have plans to travel, and I have hopes for the future.


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