Sunday, April 08, 2007



IT'S A GOOD THING THAT I'M PREOCCUPIED WITH MY FOLIO, otherwise I would be freakin' out! We're leaving in 3 days now. Off to London. The big city. We won't know anyone. Or have jobs lined up. Or anywhere to stay. And a limited amount of cash (but not as limited as our arrival in Ireland).

Anyway the folio is nearly done. And then the website will be updated, and my efforts can be focused on getting a job and place to live. Also, hopefully we'll go with out with the guys one last time and have some fun. They're off with their families though, for the weekend.




Unknown said...

Hey dude, let me know your address when you get to London, or at least somewhere to send the Koolaid! I'll need to buy it before I leave the States in a week and a bit.

Now that I've typed that I realise how suspicious it would look to a stranger.

Good luck with the move!

Elliott Scott said...

Yes. send the 'KoolAid' to our London flat. But make sure you send it from New York because I want to make sure it gets 'to us'.

Hint hint.

Actually, I don't have an address yet, just a hostel. And it's pretty unlikely we'll have one in a week. If you can be stuffed carrying a tub cool, if not, no big deal. Don't drink and enjoy its deliciousness though, that'd be just plain mean.