Wednesday, May 03, 2006


SO HERE I AM AT WORK NOW. Oh man I was scared last night. Like, terrified. Could NOT sleep. AT ALL. Well, a bit, but still not a healthy way to start my day. Anyway I'm here, I woke up, and get here on time (felt weird to wake at 7.30a instead of the usual 1p) but the walk was nice and calm(ish). There were loads of people marching to work, it felt like we were all in it together and we were going somewhere EXCITING!

Anyways the design agency is called Climate, you'll have to type the address in the old-fashioned way (manually) '' [the "ie" stands for Ireland!]. They do stuff I'm not used to doing; loads of corporate identity, packaging and even resturant signages. Which will be totally cool...

I'M EXCITED! (and scared)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey i sent you an email.... loving the posts, glad to hear you got a job... i'll be at your doorstep with backpack shortly ... like a year or so... but keep an eye out for me. lots of love
