Tuesday, December 26, 2006

POST 700


OK, so you might be wondering what I'm doing. Aside from fighting off the boredom of the xmas holidays, which aren't that boring really, actually quite fun, anyway; I had an idea of doing a Designer-Republic inspired, Rinzen-ripped-off, WipEout style poster series for my good friend Tanner. It's gone completely out of hand, I'm spending far too long on it, putting in way to much concentration, effort and payed way too many monkeys to do my work for me.

And I'll I've done is a bunch of stupid logo's. At least half of the ones you see here will be scrapped by the final stage because they are bad. They're not TDR enough! MORE TDR I hear you say. Well I must give you (the people) what you so desperately crave. ALSO I can't think of any good team names. But that's just me.

As I said earlier; more info in the near future.
