Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I'M THINKING OF UPDATING MY WEBSITE soon in order to make it more proffessional. But being my weakness, I'm not quite sure how to do that without making it really boring at the same time. Any thoughts? I was thinking of livening it up with some sexy Flash animations. Nothing too extreme, just some movement when you hit a button. I can't describe very well.


Anyway I can't even get the look right, I'm still experimenting. I generally like the cut-outs, but maybe it's to kiddy. I'm thinking I'll end up using the top image, and just have the work slide across when you hit next. What you reckon?



Neil said...

Nice choice of domain name. I was going to register it, but I then saw it was taken. My last name is Monday, and my first and middle initials are N and E. So usually whenever school or business gives me a predetermined user name its quite often "mondayne" which I get a kick out of. Maybe I'll shoot for mondayne.net or something. Nice website design! Cheers!

Elliott Scott said...

Yeah sorry Neil, I've grown so fond of the word that I've used it across the board. Website, blog, email, etc. But good luck with the dot net.

PS. Is your name really Mondayne? That is totally awesome.