Monday, September 26, 2005








Here is the QCA Exhibition invite flyer I'm working on. They friggin better use it, I've spent ages on it and my computer kept crashing because the file was so complex and I have been stressing out to the max, so they had better use it if they know what good for them!

I was asked why I choose to use a high-heel shoe instead of something more blokey like an army boot? Well, I don't know. Maybe its cuz thats insane! No, I don't know. I'm not a bloke I guess (although I don't wear high heels either) but yeah, army boots are too angry and intense, and not as strange for a giraffe to be wearing.

A quick note about colors: The pink is supposed to be an intense flourescent red/orange, but for some reason the screen can't reproduce those colors well (don't ask me why) so it looks like this. Think intense mind-melting, eye-bleeding colors and you'll understand what it's supposed to be. Freakin awesome!

ALSO had a crazy day today, didn't sleep much last night and was tired and fell asleep under my desk at work, and at the back as well. And I'm supposed to get paid for the logo I did but haven't so far and they had better not be trying to rip me off or I will kill them. Kill them all!

And my phone is broken so I can't type SMS's, which is stupid and annoying and I can't dial any numbers with 6 in it! So that too is crazy and annoying.

So this post makes no sense but I really am not in the mood to fix it. Kind of cross between really tired, preoccopied with thoughts about uni, work, money and the unamed girl. CRAZY! as well as getting sick. HOORAY!

Anyway I think these images will work in your browser, but if they dont let me know I'm I'll fix them up.


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