Thursday, September 15, 2005

ONLY IN AMERICA, or quite possibly Canada...


We took the Cola Challenge!!!!! today with unsuprising results. The glasses were filled with cola and the names of the contents hidden from us. We were told to fill out a peice of paper saying which was which, and sure enough we were 100% correct. Coke was my preferred choice, while my dad liked Pepsi, but regardless of preference we knew exactly which was which. Pepsi is sweeter than coke, but less fizzy, and both are sweeter and have more flavour and carbonation than the generica 'Brand X' cola.

I was actually quite suprised though, the difference between Coke and Pepsi aren't as obvious as I thought. It really depends on which one you drink first. I drank Pepsi first so initially Coke seemed sweeter, but after later tasting I settled on my final and correct answer.

So there you go. Total losers. It's awesome!


PS. I'm sorry I haven't posted so much as of late, in case you hadn't realised I haven't been feeling so cheerful this last week. I'm not sure why, but yeah, not the best... So I haven't really done anything worthy of publishing (other than this AWESOME challenge of course) Hopefully next week will be better. PPS. Totally pissed Sebastian off this week because of my poor attendance at work [2 days off, late 2 days, still have friday to go] HUZZAH!

PPPS. I'm once again the veiwer of the 1000th ... um... thingo? Anyway, YAY! 5000! That's like half a million right?! WOW. Although I must confess that I did add to that number; everytime I upload, modify or delete something from the site the number goes up... so it's really about 4500, but don't tell anyone...


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