Thursday, December 22, 2005



BUT... I was reading a website dedicated to iPods and the producers of the site wishes everyone a happy holidays. Which lead to some people getting annoyed and posting comments wishing everyone a Merry Christmas instead. Then other people got annoyed at those people saying that a generic season greetings is better than a specific holiday. It spiralled completely out of control. But both sides make such a good argument that I just had to blog it up.

It is Christmas time now, so why can't people have the right to say Merry Christmas instead of the generic Happy Holidays? People should not be offended if someone wishes you a MC even if it is not your religion, the intention is good, so accept it gracefully. By censoring all specific religious holiday celebration out of the holiday season we end up with a bland, souless holiday run by corporate America or something crazy like that.

Yes, it is Christmas time, but it is also other holidays around now too! Chanukah is on the same day in the western calendar as Christmas, so by wishing a generic HH we can cover ALL holidays with one phrase. There is no censorship involved with a HH wish, rather a greeting that encompasses other holidays besides the predominant Chrsistian holiday.

Personally I have no problem with people wishing me a MC, but I do prefer the HH greeting because as part of a minority group in Australia where the Jewish community is far and few between, wishing people a MC would be the ultimate sellout. Or something like that. I personally don't understand why people get so bent out of shape when people wish you a HH. It's not like we're not wishing you a MC, we are, because that is your holiday. Duh. So what is the problem. By wishing HH is does not assume you are Christian, or Jewish, or Muslim or anything else.

So chillax people on iPod site. Chillax.
And have a HAPPY holidays!

And to everyone reading this site, I will wish people well in a less rant-style post later in the week. On Christnukah day.


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