Sunday, April 03, 2005


I forgot to mention this:

I was on the train to the valley yesterday when something kinda disturbing happened. There was two guys who were sort of dodgy looking, but not in a cliche way, just shifty eyes and weird manuerisms and they sat in the aisle next to me. There was no-one else on the train. They reached into their backpack, pulled out a package, placed it gently on the seat, and left the train at the next stop. Weird. Kind of frightening. The package wasn't really strange looking, kind of forgettable really, but it was the way they handled it that was frightening. I didn't open it. I got of at the stop at the valley and told this to the ticket attendant.

ME: I just thought I should let you know about something strange on the train. Someone left a mysterious package on the train heading to Shorncliffe. I just thought you should know... you know, just in case.
TA: There is nothing we can do.
ME: Uh... maybe you could check it out. Just in case...
TA: We can't do anything.

Ok, so that's not good. What if was a bomb or something, however unlikely that is, it should still be treated with importance. I try my luck (and potentially the luck of other passengers) with someone else; the person in the booth selling tickets.

ME: Um, I thought I should tell you that someone left a dodgy looking package on the train. Maybe you should check it out.
PITBST: Really?! Oh, that's not good. Which train was it?
ME: The one heading to Shorncliffe.
PITBST: Yeah, thank you for telling us....

He got on the walkie-talkie immediately to the control central to let them know. And he filled out a bunch of forms straight away too.

I'll bet the ticket attendant was in on it. .... Bum bum bummmmmmm IESSO

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