Monday, April 25, 2005


I bought a sweater the other day. In the shop I had a conversation with the ubiquitously hot sales chick, that pretty much sums up my problem with girls. Enjoy:

UBIQUITOUSLY HOT SALES CHICK: Would you wear this? (Holding a lilac sweater)
ME: Sounds like a challenge.
I put it on. It looks pretty cool to me...
UHSC: That looks really good on you.
ME: Yeah, but you have to say that. To make a sale.
UHSC: No, we don't get commision here, if I didn't think it looked good I would have recommended something else.
ME: Oh ok. Well thank you.
UHSC: You're pretty stylish aren't you? I really like your shoes. (Referring to the pink laces)
ME: Uh... I guess so...
UHSC: You try really hard don't you?
ME: Heh heh, yeah I suppose.
UHSC: It's a good thing you bought this jumper, I was about to close the store and go to lunch...
ME: Oh.. ok. (Thinking: Ask her to lunch! Ask her to lunch! Then I thought: No, wait. She's WAY too hot to go out with me. She probably gets hit on all the time. And she probably has a boy-friend. Don't bother.)
UHSC: Uh... Is there anything else you needed?
ME: No. I err.. uhh.. no. Thanks. Have a good day.
UHSC: Oh ok. Well, see-ya.

And I walk away. Kicking myself. I should have asked her. What was the worst that could happen? She says no. I'm such an idiot! She was really cool too! Not just generic hot, but stylish and cool. But not in a pretentious way either. Just plain cool. IDIOT!

But if that wasn't bad enough. It turns out this already happened to me, in comic form. Read it here.

From Elliott/Marten... ya bro.

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