Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
This is somewhat of an open letter to a reader by the name Benji. He/she has recently quelched my hopes and dreams of being 'Indie' by telling me that I could never be indie.

I will admit that I don't really know what 'indie', 'emo' or 'punk' is. Or at least not well enough to define it. Benj seems to be the expert... maybe he or she can help me out on this.

Who is 'indie'? These kids aren't are they? I'm not like them... they're punk aren't they? But not really, because they're smiling. And they didn't even know what that hand signal was that I got them to do. Isn't that the first thing they teach kids in Punk 101?

Or are they emo? The Kelly Osborne chick seems kinda pissed off with the world. And she's got a vintage sort of skirt on. Aren't these emo things? And those socks? Aren't they an emo thing?

Help me out here, give me some guidance on how to be 'indie'. I've made it my new mission in life to be in a clique, and much more importantly prove you wrong. In a non-malicious way of course. Nothing personal. I just enjoy a good challenge.



Anonymous said...

Dude seriously can't you just accept that you were wrong, give up already I have told you sooo many times about this type of thing, seriously I am OVER IT!! Why are you trying to create an image, you are who you are a dude that does Graphic Design at QCA...

Anonymous said...

First of all both boys are wearing Slipknot shirts, Slipknot are a heavy metal band hardcore to say. Therefore thay are not indie or emo they would probably be really offended if you call them either.

Secondly the girls are punk wearing tartan, striped socks, polka dots these are all vintage, these items turned punk and orginated from 70's punk rocker Peaches just watch one of her video clips Im sure there were other ones before her.

The hand gesture only done by the "HIPSTER" punks of what you call "POSERS" they are mainly "TRYING" to be punk or claiming to be hardcore, you'll find most people that do this are taking the piss of think they are cool coz they saw it on spiderman.

The only people that can truly get away with this without looking like absolute toss pots are old timers from around the Ramones/Kiss era and even if you watch one of those videos there will only be a couple doing it unless the actual famous people told them to do it.

Black and White or Black and Red a punks of gothics favourite colours Emily the Strange does it a character that has recently been marketed she was originally from a book made in the 50's.

Oh and they are smiling because they are young and maybe confused or stoked that you wanted a photo of them. If they were any older they would either tell you to FUCK OFF or be happy that you are interested in their look, they dress differently coz they like to and if someone notices them then maybe they think its cool.

However sometimes you can't just put them in a category coz you dont know what type of music they listen to or who their idols are... maybe you should ask them.

Elliott Scott said...

NO! Your discouragement strenghthens my resolve! Or whatever the words are.... I MUST win! It is, as they say... 'my destiny'. In actual fact I don't really care... I'm happy being whoever I am, I just want to know which clique I'm closest too, if not actually in per se.

Nonetheless good thinking there Benj. Thanks for the insight? How do you know all this? Were you a reformed punk in a former life or somethin? Or better yet, did an old sex-pistols group member take you in under his wing and train you, but then you got too good, rebelled and ended up have
an awesome battle on top of some windwept mountain-side? That'd totally explain a lot...

Elliott Scott said...

Also, how do you know so much about me? Shirley it's not through legitimate sources... shirley...

YOU'RE A SPY AREN'T YOU! Come clean, admit it, and tell me who you are working for? The KGB? The CIA?! I knew they've been tracking me, ever since.... 'the incident'....