Saturday, March 26, 2005


I was going to start out my post with the line "Negative body image is such an ugly thing" but then I realised it had a pretty good albeit obvious pun in it. I think of puns without even trying anymore. I'm like a poet and I had been previously unaware of it.

ANYWAY - Negative Body Image. As you know I've started lifting weights and growing a beard. The beard is thin at best. Although it has only been a week. It still looks like I need to shave REALLY badly, and not a crap attempt at a beard. That's soon. And the weights. Oh the weights. I am not very strong, so I started out with the only weights I had 5kg ones. And that was a challenge. Now it's not. And maybe its all in my head but I think I can SEE the difference. And as I was looking at myself I noticed my increasingly flabby gut. It's not hugely fat or anything, but it's certainly not as flat and 'nearly six-packish' like it used to be. Maybe I'll start cycling again. Or eating less crappy food. Or food in general. Or just stop eating in general. Yeah, I like that idea. Nothing says 'starving artist' like someone who is starving, wears op-shop clothes and has a crap beard.


1 comment:

Anonymous said... - what the fook!