Friday, March 25, 2005


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
WHERE: Walking home
WHEN: Just then
WHO: Me fool! Who else?

WHAT: I'm walking home after getting a diet coke. A cop car goes by. Stops. Reverses. Turns the lights on, the searchlight and the blue-and-red flashing one and proceeds to interogate me.

ME: Is there a problem officer (jokingly)
COP: What's your name?
ME: Uh.. Elliott...
COP: Where are you going?
ME: Uh, I .. er.. was just going to get some coke. I mean a coke. Well, I just got one.
COP: Where?
ME: At the petrol station at the end of Discovery Drive.
COP: Do you have any ID?
ME: No. I've got my bank card though...
COP: Let me see it. He looks at it. That's fine. Where were you going?
ME: To get a coke.
COP: It's pretty late isn't it?
ME: Well I work late..
COP: Uhuh. Doing what?
ME: Uh, graphic design.
COP: Why didn't you drive?
ME: I don't have a car... (starting to get bored/annoyed at the pointless interogation)
COP: Ok.. fine. Where do you live?
COP: Fine.

An entirely random story without any sort of punchline, but something I though blog-worthy. It was weird. And if I was one of those commentators in Southpark watching the whole thing I would have said: "I haven't seen a jew questioned like that since 1935!" So I guess it goes to show, there is a school like the old-old-school. I'll get back to my ghetto and start wearing a star patch on my shirt from now on.


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