Thursday, March 31, 2005


Indy McEmo
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
The beard is nearing tolerable-ness... It almost looks like a beard, and the insane itching is easing up. I'm nearly indie. All I need is to be in a band, playing bass, and maybe lose 15kg's as well...

Soon my pretties, soon.

Also note the eventual return of me in my profile has... uh... returned (??) HOORAY PREDICTABILITY!


Elliott Scott said...

Let's play a game: Think of some good names for a faux-indie band and I'll make it into a groovy* shirt.

Here's what I've thought of, based only on my picutre:
- The Sweatbands
- The Horn-rims
- Seventies Shirt (my favourite)

HOORAY! I JUST LOVE SEVENTIES SHIRT! Their melacoly sounds mixed with swirly ambience and a dash of old-school porno 'bow-chica-wow-wow' music is perfect to knit scarves to! YAY!

*PLEASE NOTE: It will not be groovy.

Anonymous said...

My friend you will NEVER BE INDIE!!
Maybe leader of an Iraqi band HAIRY MUHHAMUD {I don't care if I spelt that wrong just incase you feel the need to insult me, which you probably will when you are sitting at your computer frowning at the screen and thinking "Errr you can't even spell")

Maybe System Of a Down is looking for a new keyboardist, hey maybe they'll even let you bring your laptop onstage, who knows!! And don't try and defend yourself by saying they are cool, or saying that you like them, because once upon a time you even thought YOU WERE EMO!!!

Elliott Scott said...

Hey, a regular reader, right on. But no, I don't like System of a Down.. at all... not even a little.

At any rate I read somewhere that beards were the new indie thing... I don't even know what indie is, or emo, but who does really?

But whatever! KEEP READING BENJI. Thanks for the support, or the lack of, or whatever, I couldn't quite figure out which stance you took.

And by the way, I'm Jewish, not Arab... not that I felt the need to point that out because I'm anti-Arab or anything, but... uh... well, it just seemed like the thing to do. And I'm not even very Jewish at that, I don't even believe in the whole 'no eating pork' thing. Mmmm.... bacon....

AND I'm am so Indie it's not funny. The mind melts at the indie-pendance that radiates out of my...

ALSO (and lastly I promise) I like your little URL Benji, can I call you Benj?, brilliant use of fake URL's...

Anonymous said...

you? indie? my gawd what is the world coming to?

jokes. you're as cool as ben lee is cool. Interpret that as you may.