Sunday, March 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
I'm not saying that I'm running out of ideas, there are a few brewing in my head, and I'm not saying that I have writers block, I'm not saying that at all.

What I am saying is that I am starting to feel the pressure. Those drawings were due a few weeks ago, and they're not anywhere near done. PLUS I have some photo montaging to do, and a cover for each book.

AND then I have to submit 10-15 design to the t-shirt people by the end of the week (this week, TODAY!) and I've only done about 8 that are worth sending. Not that ANY are worth sending, but yeah...

Starting to get nervous. And on top of all this my laptop needs to back to the shop AGAIN! It's electrocuting me. Yeah, that's right. And that ain't good. But it'll be hard to find the time between the illustrations, the shirts, uni and me being flustered. PLUS I want to ask out the messy haired girl at uni. I dunno her name. That'd probably be a good start.


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