Sunday, March 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Uh, don't ask me to explain that one, I bloody well can't. So don't ask.

Way back when, when my dad was my age this was a big saying. Or so he says. So he got me to turn it into a shirt. I thought I was something war related, seeing as though he was a hippy and all, so I made it war related. The dude with the 'tache is Lord Kitchener and he was a guy trying to get the Brits to join the war effort. And he's vaguely familiar in a retro sorta way, so that's always good.

But now that I'm looking at it, I think I might change the slogan to: "Your country doesn't need you: DROP OUT NOW". Which of course is a play on the mentality of "JOIN THE ARMY: Your country needs you" or something along those lines.

And then I was thinking of maybe doing something else in a similar political note: "Your country needs you: DODGE THE DRAFT TODAY!".

There's nothing like a political shirt to get the populous motivated. Nothing.

!#%%) (aka 13550)

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