Friday, May 13, 2005



I shouldn't smoke. I don't think cancer sounds like a lot of fun. I don't really mind dying a decade younger, but the suffering from whatever form of cancer I'll get isn't sounding too good to me right now.

BUT it's just sssoooo good. Yes I admit I'm addicted to them, but I aslo enjoy them. Yes I'm just convincing myself that the habit is okay, and it's not. But I don't really want to quit right now. If I had a girlfriend who wanted me to stop I probably would. My friends want me to stop, and for a few weeks I did, but I started again... sorry guys.

Anyway the point is, sometimes when I run out of cigarettes I'll find one in the bottom of my backpack that's all mushed up. And I'll wrap it in photocopy paper to smoke it. But the glues in the paper or something make me feel sick. And dizzy.

And that was an entirely pointless post. But the image is of Lord Kitchener borrowed from a poster used by the English to get people to enlist in World War 1. He's the Uncle Sam of England, only he was a real person.


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