Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Today's post is brought to you by the number 2


Lot's of 2's today...

2. My iPod broke again. That's twice in two weeks. I lost all my songs. Which was unfortunately more than two. I should probably back them up or something, especially if this is going to keep happening.

2. It's my birthday on SATURDAY! I'll be 22. HOORAY! Which is why I'm inviting, no, demanding that everyone make the trek up/down to the Fortitude Valley that night and join me in some food and drink, my shout (to some extent) and have some fun together. We'll be going to the Indie Temple which plays Indie music, nothing to do with India or Temples, so don't worry. It will be fun if people show up.

2. Starting to get depressed again. I'm lonely. Not just in love but friends too. I'm starting to worry that people don't like me. And worse than that, it's me. Am I some kind of jerk that people don't want to hang around with? Have I insulted people repeatedly? Do I annoy people. Come show your support of me (if it exists) on saturday. I'm worried no-one will show up. So it'd mean a LOT to me if we have some fun.

2. My two closest friends have already made other plans on saturday, which sucks. And my other two closest friends are overseas. Which also sucks. BUT you guys are my REAL friends. You wouldn't bail on me would you? You wouldn't leave me to sit all by myself in a dark room listening to sad-rock on my birthday? Would you?

... ok, the worrying is over. For now.

That's it. Nothing new to report. I guess that's why it's called Mondayne isn't it.
Don't forget I'm Elliott Scott, signing off...

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