Sunday, May 15, 2005



I haven't written in my journal for a while. I'd been meaning to get back into it, but it was just easier typing that drawing a picture. So I put it off.

I was listening to A Soldering Life by The Decemberists. The song is kinda about a battle, and your trenchmate. I thought it was a good metaphor for life. Or more specifically picking up chicks in clubs. You've got your trenchmate and you're armed with a rifle and a grenade (and a handgun [hee hee hee]) and you're sent into battle. You face your mortal enemy; the self-righteous chick or rejection (whichever one is worse) and you do your best not to get shot.

Some people say it's fun to cruise for chicks. I couldn't think of anything less fun. It's horrible. I'm vulnerable, there are bombs going off in the distance, barbed wire all over the place, and victory is nowhere in sight.

I gotta get me a flesh would so I can go to the infirmary and talk to the gentle, kind, beautiful nurses. Who are on my side.

So anyway, this picture is a sketch I did tonight. It's me and my trenchmate Dermot. He got shipped to a different battlefield, but I still remember some silly times we had. Unfortunately I don't have any trenchmates left, and the battle is a lot harder and less fun to fight alone.

If you wanna see some of my other journal entries, click HERE. WARNING: It's kinda 'lost love' themed. I was sad at the time.

ALSO: Check out this goofy rabbit comic I did ages ago. It's silly and makes little-to-no-sense. Eyeroll factor 10! Click HERE
Sgt I. Esso

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