Wednesday, May 25, 2005



I love my friends. They're great guys, but sometimes our relationship is bitter-sweet. Glen and Linus both are helping me redevelop my website (This very site in fact!) and have put in a fair amount of effort, time and energy. Which is really nice of them.

Unfortunately this generousity comes at a cost. Linus prefers the method of 'If I'm helping you, I can insult you...', and Glen is a bit more fun, prefering to stuff you into a recycling bin, and wheeling you around, eventually jamming you in an abandoned carpark somewhere...

Here's the photos that go along with the aforementioned story...


1. The guys working on the site. It's all fun and games until someone loses and eye.
2. Me 'helping out'.
3. I've just been called "The King of Crap!". What a nice thing to say. The eye is lost.
4. In the bin. Oscar the Grouch.
5. Riding along. Starting to get sick from the heat, bumping and lack of oxygen. And the fear.
6 - 9. Southbank after class, wasting time, waiting for the train.

Actually I'm not really upset. It was all in good fun. My friends rule.


1 comment:

Louise said...

I prefer to use Glen's more subtle method.