Thursday, May 19, 2005



Talking with Arron (the crazy bastard!)

Elliott: I'll give you $100 to kill me...
Arron: Just $100? No, that's too little. I'll have to carry the burden of telling your family. I'll feel guilty for the rest of my life.
Elliott: Oh come on dude, all you have to do is push me in front of a bus.
Arron: It's not worth it. I can work for one day, and I can make more than that.

Talking about suicide:
Arron: I can't kill myself... my mom cares about me so much.


PS. Tried to get Arron to pose in a photo pretending to kill me, but he refused. He doesn't want to go to jail.


Elliott Scott said...

Ok, so in case you don't get the humor (which doesn't translate so well into type format) the joke is that Arron is so deadly serious... (pun certainly intended mother f*cker)

Elliott Scott said...

Yeah alright, that might have been a little condescending, I apologise. It was only out of the love of my readers that I wrote that comment to clarify things, not my elitist attitude that comes from living in my marble tower deciding the fate of the masses.

Oh who am I kidding, it is.