Tuesday, June 14, 2005



Instead of drawing and designing something of quality, Elliott decided to make a model. And, oh man, what a big mistake! I caught the train up to uni, excited to make the model and all that jazz. Catch the 8 o'clock train, well that was the plan. Trains weren't running because of a power failure. WHAT!? Not "there will be delays" or "you'll need to catch a train to somewhere, catch a bus, then a train again." Nope. Trains simply weren't running.

I went back home. Caught the train at 11, changed trains at Beenleigh, caught a bus to Kuraby from Kingston, and then another bus to South Bank. Got there at 1. Made the model by 1.30. Easy.

It looks good. But damn was I stressed!

Anyway whatever. My thoughts are kinda racing at the moment. Can't. form. coherent. sentences.


PS. I totally found out the Messy Haired Girls name. It's Gemma. On the one hand I'm happy to know her name, and it's a nice name, it suits her, all the good stuff, but on the other hand some of the mystery is gone. The infatuation might actually turn into something a little less stalker-ish.

PPS. No, I didn't talk to her. I didn't see her. But I bumped into some of her friends.... maybe they'll say something to her. I can't see how that'd be bad. RIGHT!? She'll know I'm interested....

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