Thursday, June 30, 2005


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
I was gonna post up this little milestone and then compare it to how long it took me to reach 1000 hits, but I can't find the 1000 mark OR the day I posted the webcounter, so I guess that rules that plan out.

Anyway HOORAY! 2000!!! Go play that Silverchair song 'Anthem for the year 2000' and everything will be just fine.

Thanks, keep on readin! In next weeks episode Elliott finds out he was adopted, and his girlfriend comes back to him, except she has amnesia! And also it turns out that the long-time friend to Elliott is really a woman! Don't miss it!

Oh and in my search for the illusive 1000 mark, I racked up a whole bunch of hits. Let's pretend that I'm not an idiot, rather I'm popular. Yeah, that'd work.


Elliott Scott said...

i totally spelt elusive wrong. and i should've figured it out it starts with E-L ... and I'm totally self-absored.

Elliott Scott said...

Ok, I found out when i reached the 1000 hit barrier, 18th May 2005. About 6 weeks ago. And from memory it took at least 3 months to reach that.