Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
In another move of infinite wisdom, I f*cked up.

I am getting sick and tired of getting those stupid emails from Colin, complaining about low attendance to his lectures, and threatening us that if we don't come we'll get in trouble.

So, as a level headed, rational person, what do I do? Send an irrate email to Don, asking for some advice. Basically I wrote to Don as a friend, not as a teacher, asking for some help. That means I made no attempt to hide my anger. I swore, a lot, and said: "WELL F*CK HIM!" in reference to Col.

That's all well and good, as long as Colin NEVER see's that letter. So what's Don do? He shows him. CRAP! Now Colin wants to see me. In his office. Which is recently moved to an empty carpark, without security cameras.

I'm screwed. It was great being your friend. Thanks for all the support over the ages. Nice knowing you.

I was Elliott Scott, who signed off.

PS. I have lost a lot of faith in Don. He's no longer my friend. I don't know if he ever was. That's sad.

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