Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I was just reading about Jewish slurs. Some are pretty odd... some are really bad. Here are the ones I remember:

HEEB. From the word Hebrew
KYKE. A Yiddish word meaning self-hating Jew, but now used by non-Jews for any Jew.
BAGEL F*CKER. Because we can't resist the urges.
OVEN DODGER. This is a Brittish one. Not nice at all.

I was gonna put more up, but I didn't want to offend anyone. But I couldn't resist these:
APPLE. A white term for black people, because apples hang from trees.
CONVICT. An Australian, that's the worst they had. Pretty tame.
PUSH START or DOT HEAD. An Indian, or anyone wearing a Bindi

I'm Elliott Scott, procrastinating, and signing off

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You fucking jew piece of shit. YOU DID THE TSUNAMI.