Saturday, October 30, 2004


I have to get up in 4 hours. Do I stay awake and drag myself through tomorrow, or do I go to sleep and risk not waking up in time? Such is life.

I have a cool blog, full of goodies to post. But I can't be screwed doing it now. Later my pretties.


Friday, October 29, 2004


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Hey all, just giving you a word of warning, I've started putting some images up on the net. Some are on this blog, and some up on Stock Exchange (the stock photo site). If you don't want images of you put up, please let me know and I'll not put them up. Otherwise, they're fair game.

I want to wish Chris a HAPPY BIRTHDAY too. I'm not sure exactly when it is... somewhere around now I think. I might be a few weeks late. Sorry dude.
But my love goes out to you.



Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.

Let's all wish our friend Dermo a very happy, and uh.. happy birthday! We all miss ya dude. Especially our hairy little friend who has a talking arm.

Wow, that sounded really suss.. Think about it..
No, I mean Amy. The talking Gorilla in Congo. Oh how she misses you. She keeps coming up to me and saying: "Amy. Miss Touch Man" I'm not quite sure why she calls you that...


(Happy BDay, Love E & Co)

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Tanner and I came up with this sort of word association, based on everyone's bestest buddy-pal, Linus. So here goes...

aka Linux (an operating system)
aka Tux (the Linux mascot)
aka Tuxedo
aka Schmuxedo
aka Schmuck
aka Putz
aka Put Put
aka Golf
aka Tiger Woods
aka Tiger
aka Tigger
aka Winnie the Pooh
aka Winnie (from 'Wonder Years')
aka Kevin (Winnie's boyfriend)
aka Kevin Bacon
aka Bacon and Eggs
aka Egg
aka Humptey Dumptey
aka Hump
aka Camel
aka Camel-toe
aka Leia* (a former housemate of mine)

So basically, Linus's name is now Leia. Until we can come up with something better... which we will. Oh, don't you worry about that.

*Leia was infamous for never wearing anything but undies, and ones that were very 'revealing' at that.

I'm Elliott Scott, SHIFT_signing off

Thursday, October 28, 2004

LUCID or not To Be

I've been thinking. Are these lucid dreams I've been having really lucid, am I really controlling them? Or am I only dreaming that I'm controlling them, and really I'm at the mercy of them, as per usual. That would explain why I can't do certain things. And why they're rarely truly lucid.

Do lucid dreams seem different than normal dreams? My lucid dreams just seem like normal dreams, but me concentrating a lot more.

Actually, that brings my to another point; I have to concentrate really heavily to get anything done. When I wanted to fly, I had to really focus on flying. It wasn't so much a dream, and a very enveloping day-dream. It was like I was imagining it really well. And whenever I try to bring sex into the dreams it's even harder to concentrate. I have to conciously decide to do things, and focus really hard on them

Is this because I'm only new to this? Or do all lucid dreams require this much effort?

This is an area that I want to develop, and I'm sure someone else reading this does too.

PLEASE send me an email, or post a comment....
elliottscottdesign AT <--- sorry, didn't want to get spam, just replace AT with @... duh

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


I am being payed quite handsomely to endorse my friends blog. So if you want to read some interesting, albeit skewed articles, check his site out. They're really quite interesting. Of course, not as good as mine, I mean how could they be? But they're still really interesting.



I nearly did it. I had another lucid dream! I'm getting better each time. I'll explain what happened.

I was dreaming about something or other, can't remember, but I was gonna sit down. And somehow my hand fell through the chair. Hmm... I tried again, and it did it again. So I must be dreaming! I put my hand through the chair really slowly... it kinda of felt like it was made of honey, but not sticky when i pulled it out. It was cool. I could see my hand melt away.

So after that I tried to do something. Last time I was able to fly, so I figured that would be a good test. Easy, flying was no problem, controlling the flight was. It was weird, this time I could feel things. I felt the texture of the chair, and I could feel gravity. It was weird flying around, because I kept spinning around and whatnot. I felt sick.

After I flew through the roof, which had a similar texture as the chair, I wanted to try something else. So I landed back in my room, and tried to get a chick to walk in. I could see her shadow walking down the hall, and I saw her walk through my room into the ensuite (which I had in my dream). And I saw her lie down on my bed, waiting for me. But when I tried to climb in with her I woke up.

Now why is that? And why does that keep happening. I seem unable to dream about sex. It's not fair. I want a good sex dream! Is it because it's been so long, that I forgot what a woman looks like. Is it because the only woman I know in that way equates to pain, and I'm subconciously shutting her out? I need to get with someone else. For the sake of my sanity. But that's not to say I'm desperate, or that any relationship I enter is based only on sex. All I'm saying is; I forgot what sex is like.

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I was just reading about Jewish slurs. Some are pretty odd... some are really bad. Here are the ones I remember:

HEEB. From the word Hebrew
KYKE. A Yiddish word meaning self-hating Jew, but now used by non-Jews for any Jew.
BAGEL F*CKER. Because we can't resist the urges.
OVEN DODGER. This is a Brittish one. Not nice at all.

I was gonna put more up, but I didn't want to offend anyone. But I couldn't resist these:
APPLE. A white term for black people, because apples hang from trees.
CONVICT. An Australian, that's the worst they had. Pretty tame.
PUSH START or DOT HEAD. An Indian, or anyone wearing a Bindi

I'm Elliott Scott, procrastinating, and signing off


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Getting pretty sick of photo's of me. I'm getting sick of them, and I'm sure you are too.

If only I had someone else to take photo's of. Preferably a chick. A sexy chick. Only because the female form is so much nicer to look at.. of course! Heh heh heh...

In the meantime, I've only got me to photograph, so here ya go. The many faces of Elliott. There's laughy the clown, silly sailor and sir yawnsalot.

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off


You know how I changed my email address? It was cuz of all the junkmail. Anyway, I still check it from time to time, just in case someone sends me something. Well today I got an email from a friend of mine... or at least I thought I did. Actually it was spam, using that email address. The stupid email tried to download something onto the computer, I dunno; it was an .exe file, so it didn't work. (For those who don't know, Mac doesn't run .exe files)

But that's pretty low isn't it? Posing as a friend of mine. How can it do that? Does it read my emails, and pick out words that I'd be likely to read? Is that possible? At any rate it's well done. But can't they use the powers for good instead of evil?

Oh well
I'm Elliott Scott, signing off

Monday, October 25, 2004


I had another semi-lucid dream. This one wasn't intended. And it's pretty naughty, so I'll leave out those bits.

I can't remember exactly how it started, but I went to go see someone. A girl. And I'm not sure who she is, she's sort of a combination of a lot of chicks I've liked. I dunno.

Anyway, I get her fired from work and a whole long story, that is a pure dream, I'm not aware I'm dreaming yet.
It's only when we start 'getting it on' that I become aware it's a dream. I guess my clue was that this sorta thing NEVER happens, so it had to be a dream. So I'm now aware I'm dreaming. And I'm caressing her body. Nice. But the problem is: because it's a combination of past loves I know where each part of her comes from. And I'm psycho-analysing my dream as I'm having it. It's f*cked up.

The whole point of this blog is: I am getting closer. I am now able to be aware that I'm dreaming, but I still can't change things. In my dream last night I didn't realise it was a dream, and then have sex with a chick, I had sex with a chick, which was my clue that I was dreaming. What a crap life.

Actually, it's funny, I went back to sleep after I woke from my semi-lucid sex dream, and had another dream. I was in a resturant with Linus actually, telling him about this day I had. Which was the SLS dream I just had. Only I didn't realise it was a dream. I told him the whole story, except for the nudey bits, and all about the strangeness of it all. But I forgot that it was lucid. Odd.

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Domo means good

Domo Kun
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
I just ran into an old friend while I was at Tanner's uni; Domo Kun. Japan's favourite monster looks like fluffy meatloaf to me. With a big, red smiley mouth. He's so cool. I want to run up and give him a big hug. Fluffy meatloaf... don't throw it away, talk to it.

Melbourne Series 1

Melbourne Series 1
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
These are some photo's from my second trip to Melbourneo, way back in 2002. These are a sample, only B&W and landscapes. I had some cool ones I had to leave out.

If you care;

I've got some photo's of my third trip to put up soon. Don't worry, they'll be colour ones.

In theory I should be going again soon, next few weeks. And I'll be taking LOADS of photo's. I love it there.

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off

Hilter & Sons; World Renovations

Hilter & Co.
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
My friends are awesome. All of you! And the three guys posing in this photo, totally rock!

Well, the guy in the middle is cool. The other two sort of just hang around him. I think they're mooching some coolness from him.

This photo was taken in 'fers, or 's for short. We saw a statue and just had to pose as Hitlers. It was lucky they had photoshopped moustaches and arm bands with them that day. Or else this would had to have been added later, which it certainly has not been.. added.. later?? Uh..

Nope, that's all. Viva la Aryan race.

I'm Elliott Scott, going to go have a 'shower', signing off



Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Thought you cool cats might want to see the promo posters for that jive-ass movie I'm workin on. Turkey. MMmm turkey... it's nearly Thanksgiving. Yummy. ANYWHO?

I don't really like the look of it at such small sizes, the sketcheyness didn't turn out how I wanted. Too coarse around the bear, too fine on the letters. But it was like 5am and I didn't notice.

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off

Friday, October 22, 2004

The new Mapple MakesmewanttocriPod

Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Yo yo yo, zup in da house? It's your pal Easy E saying what ever it is that homie guys say. But less cool in doing so. Unless..

What I'm basically trying to say is: I'm bored so I am gonna subject you to the torture that is reading my blog, and the stupid crap I put in it.

Today I want to up the cool factor and talk about music. Music is cool, and you can't tell me it ain't. Unless you're the Fonz, with a gun, that's the ultimate in coolness persuasion.

So the bands I been check'n out lately are:

THE DECEMBERISTS - Sorta mellow acoustic stuff, but with a whiney tone. Doesn't seem like it'd be good, but it is! A song about a missing bike!

BEN KWELLER - Don't know anything about this dude, but he's cool. Also mellow, but with something fun about it.

THE AVALANCHES - Crazy sound sampling at its best. They get the most obscure, ecclectic samples and turn it into some funk.

I love these dudes and a dudette. They're an awesome Canadian band. They're sorta happy angry or something. I can't really describe dem. Check'm out though. Really, really cool. I like a lot.


Ok, that's all. Either I'm cool now, cuz they're cool bands/groups/whatevers, or I'm even less cool, cuz they suck.

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off, and switching on the pod.

Jimmy Says Hi

Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
This is just for you buddy.

I guess it has been a long day at work, just like every other day really. Long, and boring. You could think of nothing better than chilling out with a beer. And what beer is best?

James Boag's. Now that's a proper Bo-ag!

I'm Elliott Scott, torturing poor Dermo, signing off

Thursday, October 21, 2004


To induce lucidity in test subject.

1x Test Subject
2x Pillow
1x Bed
0x Girlfriend to stop such madness

1x Jar of HOT salsa
1x Large bag of corn chips
3x James Boags Beer
2x Dill Pickles
4x Mylanta tablets

SEMI-SUCCESS! The subject had two types of dreams:

1. Weird dreams involving a mix of the past. His memory of certain places and events was jumbled together to create a semi-fightening dream.
2. Semi-lucidity. The test subject became aware of his dream, but was unable to change anything. He became aware of being in a dream, but was trapped in being still. When he moved he woke up. This happened twice.

Lucidity seems to be possible, and with further experiments and development, true licidity may be possible. and not just something dreams are made of (ha ha hah).

As suggested by a colleague, further research involving different foodstuff must be conducted.

Tahome sweet home

Tahome sweet home
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
I wanted to type this up in that P22 typeface; Arts and Crafts Stitch, but didn't have it.

Nonetheless, I still suck. And not nearly as much as this wonderful, funderful pun. ... derful.

Burning my bridges

Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Hey. I just got an email back from Onur, the editor for that magazine I work/ed for. I sent him an email apologising for having to quit. It was 2 months without any pay. That's a reasonable request from a job? Isn't it? Money...? That's not too outrageous.

So I got a reply. It was really nasty. I am just a typical laszy, stupid art student. I'm suprised he didn't say I was a money-hungry jew, but maybe he did. I didn't read it carefully.

At any rate I feel bad. I don't like nasty letters.

Speaking of which; Colin wants to talk. He said he wasn't angry, but we'll see. I just gotta make sure Don and some of you guys (Don wants Linus there) are with me. Just to make sure I don't get whacked.

What a f*cked up week. I can't beleive it. I asked Liz (when she called) if it was a dream? She told me it wasn't. I feel crap.

I might go to bed now. Or maybe drink a lot. One of the two. If only I had a cigarette...

I'm a preoccupied Elliott filled with dread, signing off

WARNING: May be a little too much information

Difficult Ask
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.


Hey. For some reason, I was thinking of the most difficult question I could ask. That is, what is that said question, not the nature of the question.

Oh forget it.

Me, being the sexually repressed person that I am, have troubles discussing sex issues. So, perhaps as a form of therapy, I present this comic, showing me asking that most awkward of questions. This did sort of happen. I don't think it was my birthday, but it seems less selfish that way.

PLEASE write to me with your most difficult question. It'd be interesting to see. And plus, I'm trying to make this site INTERACTIVE... good buzzword from 1996.

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


I Luv the 20s
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Ok, here's the plan.
I'm gonna steal Tanner's time machine (see post below) and travel back to the 20's. It was the depression, so I should fit in fine. I'll find me a nice dame, and live happily as a bootlegger. And if worst comes to worse I can steal some 'up and coming' designers work. Like what's his name, and that guy who did that sans serif thingo.

All I gots to do is get the car up to 88 miles per hour. And that's not too hard these days, with the efficient engines and the gasoline and the whatnots.

Unfortunately, since the internet hadn't been invented yet, I'll have to write some letters so that one of you can type it up for me. They'll be hidden in the abandoned mine shaft down by the river.

Elliott "Easy on the eyes" Scott, singing off


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
In another move of infinite wisdom, I f*cked up.

I am getting sick and tired of getting those stupid emails from Colin, complaining about low attendance to his lectures, and threatening us that if we don't come we'll get in trouble.

So, as a level headed, rational person, what do I do? Send an irrate email to Don, asking for some advice. Basically I wrote to Don as a friend, not as a teacher, asking for some help. That means I made no attempt to hide my anger. I swore, a lot, and said: "WELL F*CK HIM!" in reference to Col.

That's all well and good, as long as Colin NEVER see's that letter. So what's Don do? He shows him. CRAP! Now Colin wants to see me. In his office. Which is recently moved to an empty carpark, without security cameras.

I'm screwed. It was great being your friend. Thanks for all the support over the ages. Nice knowing you.

I was Elliott Scott, who signed off.

PS. I have lost a lot of faith in Don. He's no longer my friend. I don't know if he ever was. That's sad.

RVCA Shirt 1

RVCA Shirt 1
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Tell me what you think of this. It's for the clothing company RVCA... don't check them out or anything. Their stuff is good...

Anyway... if you could just post a SHORT coment with either Y or N (nothing more) that'd be good.
Post comments below.


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Addicted To Crack Coca-Cola

Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
I'm not even sure if these feelings are legitimate anymore. It's been a long time since we split up, shirley I'd be over it by now. It's seems to be something else.

MY PILLS. I forgot to take them for a few days now, and I can feel myself sliding into depression. This is really not good. I think I'm properly hooked on them. I can't get off them.. Going cold turkey is freaking weird. I hate that f*cked feeling if I forget to take them for a week. It's like I have a cold, and I just went for a run, and am in a cold shower. A horrible mix of hot and cold constantly. Plus the headaches, dizziness, nauseau and of course; the NIGHT TERRORS!

I might give them the boot in a short while. Then we'll see if it's my heart or my head that's making me sad.

Thanks for reading,
I'm Elliott Scott, signing off. And staying off today.

Ploduct Pracement

Ploduct Pracement
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Some more ploduct to prace. i ruv
As you may have guessed, I'm tired.
Errimoto San, signing off


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
That doesn't make any sense.

It's late. AGAIN. In between editing, worrying, stressing, and of course; jerking off... I had time to do this cool t-shirt. I'm not sure if it's really cool or not, but at this time of night, anything I put effort into had better be cool. Or allow me to trick myself into thinking it's good.

I'm eating twinkies. And no, that isn't a metaphor for anything. Sure, they're long cylinders filled with cream, but that doesn't mean anything. But why do I go so far out of my way to convince you's? Shut up Elliott.. stop talking. You're digging your grave deeper by the second.

Oh Kay boys and girls;
The usual ending...

A Semi-Dream Like Skate

Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
I've been in zee (as zee Germans say) editing sweet every night for the last 3 nights. That's all well and good, but that's all I've been doing.

I've only been awake at night. And it's really weird. Everything is strangelove and sir real. Waking up at 7.00pm is a weird way to live. My morning conversation is with the guy at the gas station, when I buy my Red Bull's. <--- product placement.

Then I head off to the suite, editing the Man Panda movie. Which is turning out really good. We have a rough cut down, and working on the graphics and shizzle now.

But life is odd. I'm not sure if I'm awake or not. Night is sleeping time. My dreams are more realistic then my waking life. I dreamt I went to uni yesterday... Which is when I was supposed to be at uni. WAS I THERE??? Someone tell me if I was...

The picture is of Mark. Editing really hard. I was working on my Powerbook G4, with blah blah blahs <--- more product placement... It's hell.

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off... or on.. I'm not even sure anymore.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

For the records

I'm in the editing suite. I swore I'd never step foot in them again. Working on a movie about a panda costume. But it's ok. So far, so good. But its only 11.44.... and I've got all night.
AND the reason I don't upload LARGE photo's is simple; I only have a 10MB storage space on Flickr, who is the image server, so I need to keep the images small. Ok schmuxedo....???
A short post tonight. But I'm gonna get bored, so there will probably be more.

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off... for now.

PS. TAHOMA's where the heart is.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Sir Real

Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
I just had a weird night. In a good way.

For the longest time I ripped on the Gold Coast for being crappy, shallow and not having any cool places to go to. I'm not the kinda guy who likes R'n'B and dancing and being hip. I like to mellow out, and have some drinks with my friends.

Tonight my faith in the Coast has been restored. There are some cool places, and almost accidentally Tanner and I stumbled into them.

We went to the Gold Coast Arts Centre, of all places they have jazz gigs every saturday night. It's pretty cool. Sure, we were the youngest ones there, younger than most peoples kids in fact! And the musicians were talking about "back in the 50's", but it was cool. No smoke though.

That was cool, we got a bit of culture, chilled out in a friendly relaxed environment. Actually, on a side note, some guy restored my faith in humanity too. He saw that Tanner and I ate our food really quickly, and that we looked hungry. He offered to buy us some more food. Which was nice. And no, he wasn't hitting on us or anything, just genuinely nice.

After that we headed into town. And stumbled into another place; called Grounded. It was a coffee loungey thing. With a twist. Perhaps the greatest and best twist one could hope for. It was a 24hr massage parlour. I know what you're thinkin, we thought that too as soon as we stepped in, but this place is legit.

So massages are expensive right? Not here. For every coffee you get a free 3 min massage. And the coffee prices were more than reasonable; only $3.50. I'm starting to sound like a resturant critic. But seriously, this is the greatest place EVER! My massage was sssssssoooooooooo good. So good.

When we walked in a different group came in at the same time, the were thinking the same thing we thought. Day Spa? or 'Day Spa'? And we got to talkin and they were pretty cool. Friendly people on the coast? Who wudda thunk it.

In 'fers itself, there was something odd. Something was very different from normal. Now don't get me wrong, I am in NO WAY complaing... I was just perplexed. There was a sh*tload of HOT chicks. Literally hundreds. Normally you walk down the street and you might see one if you're lucky. Not tonight... you be thinking: "There! There's a wussy looking guy... no, wait, it's another chick". Not that I look for wussy guys, they're just normally pretty common.

LOADS of chicks.

A bizzarre night. Surreal if you will. And I will. Certainly. BUT being the sad gits that we are, we didn't get anywhere with the chicks. They all had boyfriends or something. It wasn't cuz we were wuss's or anything. As if!...

(Sounds of the intercooler blowout valve. Ask Tanner..)

Untill next time, I'm that guy, who signs off

Friday, October 15, 2004



It's 3.00am, I'm not tired. I might as well tell you guys (my legions of fans) about my latest experiment. I'll try to set it out in the way we had to do experiment reports in high school. Problem is, I can't remember. Bare/Bear with me...

The aim of this experiment is to induce lucid dreaming. In which the subject is able to control the outcome of his dreams.

1x Crazy person (test subject)
1x Bed
2x Pillow
0x Girlfriend to stop such a stupid plan

4x Large Dill Pickles
6x Artichoke hearts
2x Cheese Singles
2 DOZ Olives
50g Feta Cheese
100g Rasberry Sorbet
Left over Chinese food

Hopefully the ingredients will combine in the subjects stomach in a way which increases the likelihood of lucid dreaming.

Information pending.

I had ONE lucid dream before. It was cool. I was running away from Agents ala. Matrix. And suddenly I became aware I was in a dream. In the movie "Waking Life", which about lucid dreams... the signs of dreaming is not being able to turn on a light three times, and digital clocks are screwed up. In the Matrix dream I checked the clock and it was all scrambled. I instantly realised it was a dream and everything changed.

I had the power to do whatever I wanted. What did I do? I flew around! It was AWESOME!
Hopefully it will work again. I want do something else...

Goodnight. I'm Elliott Scottnolife, signing off.
It was found that contrary to popular belief, consuming mass amounts of pickled foods and cheese did not effect the subjects sleeping. Furthermore it did not induce a lucid dream, as was expected. The effects of the pickled foods on the subject can be placed into this simple formula:

( P + E ) - G = CFI

P = Pickles
E = Elliott
G = Girlfriend
CFI = Complete F*cking Idiot

Despite the legend of pickles giving people nightmares, this did not happen in this experiment.

Further investigation needs to be done in this VERY important area of science. This experiment was only performed once. It contained many variables; how tired the test subject was, the amount of pickled foods consumed (too much, too little), the length of sleep, the presence/absense of a girlfriend, the lack of common sense.

Kids, stay in school. Drugs are bad. Elliott is a loser, don't do anything he does. He has no life.

I'm Elliott Scott, signing oph.

The REAL Design Monster


I can't take credit for this. Either Linus or Will created this. Well, actually it had already been done. They just said it in class. And actually it was just Designosaur. But my pitiful efforts of adding '" is hardly worth a mention.


What 30 LED's will do...

Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Tanner made a makeshift Flux Capacitor for his car. Yeah, like the one in Back To The Future. Look what happened. We actually did go back in time... to an age where giant apes ruled the earth, enslaving human kind. But it actually turned out to be our time after all, and the statue of liberty had just fallen over.

(Yes, I am aware of the complete lack of sence this makes. Why would the statue of liberty even be back in time? That Elliott kid, what a f*cking idiot. I'm sure glad I'm not his friend)

It's a cool photo anyway. Looks good this size, full size is too blurry. I slightly adjusted the color balance, made it less reddish... but other than that, this is the original photo.

I'm Errimoto San, signing off.

Punderful Puns 1

Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Don't you just love puns? Especially ones that aren't funny and involve TV shows, movies and band names.

Yeah yeah, I should be shot.

I'm Elliott Scott, signing off.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Hey. I don't exactly know how to do this... but here goes nuttin.

This photo, is of me, duh. And it was taken on a 'themed photo' night some of my friends and I do. This nights theme was "Reservoir Dogs". I of course was Mr Pink. I think its fun. Tomorrow we're going out again... this time its Tyler Durden.

Should be fun..

Im Elliott Scott, signing off.

Fun at others expense 2

On the way home from the beach we pass by a home with two people standing out the front. A mother, who isn't that unattractive, and her kid.

My friend L****** says: "F*ck, she's alright isn't she?" (referring to the daughter) "Oh shit, it's a guy!?"


PS. It wasn't Linus, in case you were wondering.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The pretty-ugly girl..

Yeah, i just watched "She's All That" again. I unfortunately love that movie. Don't laugh! You do too...

ANYWAY... I was thinking about it. And I've decided; yeah, I am in love with Laney Boggs. For those of you who don't know, and couldn't figure it out based on what I've already said; Laney is the character played by Rachael Leigh Cook in 'She's All That'. You know the one... the 'ugly' art student with glasses, who turns into the little hottie walking down the stairs in slow-motion. I love slo-mo. It makes everything better. Except perhaps slo-mo of me getting shocked. I look dumb.

BACK TO THE POINT... Laney. Im not talking about the character, but rather who she represents. I realise thats a pretty deep concept for such a shallow movie... but I don't think im crazy... well... maybe.

So who is she? She's the beautiful girl that no-one notices. She's the smart girl. She's the artistic one. She likes to think for herself. She's independant... but she's also lonely. She doesn't get much attention from the guys.

Im not sure if the point of the movie was to say that everyone is Laney Boggs... that deep down we want to be noticed for who we are. I didnt really get that... well i did, but I saw it more as LOOK for Laney. She's out there... you just need to notice her. Don't wait for prince charming (as Laney was doing) find Laney (as Zac did)..

BUT the whole point of Laney Boggs-ism is that you never will notice her. She isn't the girl you notice. Even if you're forced to work with her everyday you still won't realise that she's beautiful.

So what do you do? I dunno. Give up. Join a cult and drink lots of Gatorade while wearing Nike shoes.

If you're out there Laney... and reading this...

Im ES signing off.

Fun at others expense

I was talking to my mom the other day; my brother had just gotten a tongue ring. And she was confused to why.
"Why would anyone want a tongue ring? No-one ever see's it. It has NO use..."
I didn't say anything. I just stared at her with a 'think about it' look. Several seconds went by.

She giggled and walked away.


I stayed up till 5.00am the other night watching this great show on minimalism sculpture. WOW. it was amazing. some of the stuff was really cool. lots of it was really big and impressive, but the actual construction was poorly done. but i think thats called post-minimalism; where the material is appreciated.

ANYWAY.. the best thing on the show was a piece called "The Meeting" by um ... it's a large room with a hole in the roof. You sit there and watch the sky. GENIUS! I'll just state the obvious interpretation for the kids in the back row who aren't listening.... I guess the meeting is with God. <--- that word is capitalised isn't it? Hope so..

So. As far as art theory goes from last night, i sorta agree with the POST-MODERN sorta things of life. What I mean is; I think I'm a post-modern sorta guy. Randomly quoting all sorts of things. Never having my own thoughts, everything is a cliche.

So why then, do I STRIVE for this? And I certainly do. I want cliche's of life. Are they good? Not all. I want to be mugged in the New York subway system. Why? Cuz that's something that i think everyone SHOULD experience. Which is insane. But then I also want to run towards a long-lost lover in slow-motion in a feild of flowers. Does everyone have these desires? Are they a product of growing up around, with and in movies???

I dunnno.... I don't really have anything to say. Thanks for reading.
Im Elliott Scott, signing off.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Hey. Thanks for taking the time to read this so called 'blog'.

I don't really have much to say, now that I've been put on the spot. I just want someone to hear this. Even though it's really nothing. But isn't that why people do this anyway? They want to be heard.

So, I guess the purpose of this blog is to tell some jokes, share some laughs, and all the etceteras. But I have a feeling it's gonna be either a lot of me whinging about crap, or I'll never post a new message again. Either way, it's a good waste of time, for both me and you.

Well thus concludes POST #1 of the Mondayne Web Log.
I'm Elliott Scott, signing off.