Thursday, December 23, 2004


Absolute Dull
Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.

Not only is this color, which I've called "ABSOLUTE DULL" a supremely boring color. It's also a new low in boredom. And a new low in rehashing those STUPID t-shirts.

Yes, thats right folks, for AD is the average color of all the t-shirts. Not just the background color. The color of EVERYTHING. Mushed together in that color you get when you just keep mixing paint.

I know, I thought it too, you think its gonna be the GREATEST COLOR EVER! Like a rainbow of color, with fireworks and Tuti-Fruiti candy all mixed into one. But no. It's this crappy dull grey purpley color. with no fun and makes Willy Wonka cry.

YOU BASTARDS! You killed at least 7 Oompa Loompa's just looking at the color. DAMN DIRTY APES! Dang, even my melodrama can't make the color more exciting.

Cool huh. I am a genius! Actually there is one interesting thing about the color. There no purple in it! It's an extremely dull orange. Looks purple to me. Hang on.. it's not so dull now. My plans for world domination are foiled!

NNnnnoooooooo.... IESSO

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