Wednesday, August 17, 2005



Yep. The idea worked a bit better in my head. Not much, but a bit. I might give it another go when I'm feeling less annoyed, aggrevated, agitated, a..... ? whatever. You know what I mean.

Yeah, so it was my brothers birthday. And as usual when my family gets together the stress levels were high. My parents seem to have this knack of getting really angry and bitter, but not actually mean to be, and don't mind when they're annoyed. So I don't think they were actually pissed off, but it seemed that way, and wasn't that fun.

And also I had a massive headache and didn't take my pills so I was feeling kinda crappy. So their usual antics kinda got me in a bad mood. But I was trying to be nice to my brother and I hope he had a good day despite our stupidity.

We went to a resturant in a hotel and it was nice, but getting there was a bitch! The elevators were f*cking up. People were crowding into them and whenever someone pressed the button the doors would open. The people inside were getting annoyed. The people outside just didn't get it, they kept pushing the button and the doors kept opening. We did this for about 5 minutes. All the while my rage was building. Finally I blurted out: "Use another f*cking elevator!". My family looked at me shockedly. The people in the elevator were embarrassed/annoyed and the old people outside of it looked at me unapprovingly.

I tend to have a short temper when I'm not feeling good + stressed + flustered from hanging with my parents + generally. Remember the great 'Passion of the Christ' disaster? Yeah, try ready the old post.


PS. For the guys and gals at the worm: yeah, my brother liked the shirt. Good thing too... cuz he hated everything else. 'Cept the money. Gots to love money.
PPS. I'm totally not a golfer, but I figure the generic quirkiness involved, coupled with the pants might make it work on Threadless. If I redo it that is....

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