Saturday, August 20, 2005


Someone I know got I brand new 15' Powerbook today. I was there when she got it, and damn it's cool. I totally want one. That's all for today, I know I promised the UN10 book, but quite frankly I forgot. And besides I doubt you really care anyway. You greedy bastards.... All you really want are dumbass images or insights into my lame life.


PS. I'm just kidding, I love you all. Especially YOU

PPS. This is perhaps the worlds best AND worst nerdy-typo joke, EVER!
Ouch, after that one I dont think I EARNED the right to buy a new Powerbook. I might have lost my Powerbook status. Anyone want my current one?


there you go guys, the AWESOME! Uni10 Book. .... Unfortunately there are some sort of size restrictions so it's a bit small.

1 comment:

Elliott Scott said...

Linus, what the heck are you talking about? Does the page load ook? Does it appear different somehow? I like the popup comment box. Besides, Happy Chanukah.