Wednesday, August 10, 2005



I'm working on a booklet for Griffith University for a program getting kids of disadvantaged backgrounds into the uni system. It's a noble cause, and better than that; I get to have fun doing it! YAY! Experimenting! HOORAH! The only problem, and it's a doozey let me tell you, is that I;ve made it so much more complex than it needed to be, and therefore a heck of a lot more work. And the deadline stays the same. But I've got the designs worked out, all I gots to do now is actually do it. So stop distracting me!


PS. A quick word about copyrights, don't steal these images (because they're so awesome I'm worried about plagarism [??] but yeah, if you do, I will f*cking hunt you down like a dawg. And besides, you wouldn't be stealing from me, you'd be stealing from those poor kids. And if you can just make one child smile, it'd all be worth it. Wait, that doesn't make sense. Don't steal! The rights are owned by me; Elliott Scott, Liveworm Studio and Griffith Uni. And Griffith is one bitch you don't wanna mess with!)


Anonymous said...

that looks really cool.

just make sure they arent spelling mistakes in it. :)

Anonymous said...

what the . . . me confusay - uno yes? - thats what i saw, always saw - not yes/yes?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Elliott Scott said...

Yeah, ok, so it does look like Uno but hey, whats a guy to do. A year 10er did the logo, I've just been instructed to work it into the design. And I always do what I'm told. I'm a good little boy.