Tuesday, August 16, 2005



Went to lunch with Unamed Girl (who will be called UNG from now on [and also prefers not to be talked about in the blog, so I'll be sticking to events rather than feelings-type-things when it comes to her]) We went to the park to escape the stress of work, which is actually pretty damn stressful at the moment. It was nice to relax and enjoy time with someone interesting/exciting/other good things.

While we were there we saw a pigeon with some string tied to his foot. Poor little guy. I haven't seen a bird bound like that since I was working my way through Thailand (sorry one of my favourite things to say, along with 'That's what my ex-wife said'. I've never worked my way through Thailand) ANYWAY We tried desperately for about an hour trying to capture him. First we tried just grabbing him. Then luring him with food. They didn't work. I took off my jumper and was going to throw it over him. Some bread crumbs distracted him, and I threw it over him, but he flew away just at the last minute. All we were trying to do was help.

He flew back and we tried again. Eventually he learned that jumper = capture and whenever we even reached for it he'd fly away.

But he always flew back. I hope we can see him again, and help the poor dude. By the way his name is Gary. Dunno why, he just is. Ask his parents why they named him that. I dunno.

So yeah, ya try to help someone out, and what do they do? Eat your food and fly away. Moral of the story, don't do nothin' for nobody.

Speaking of insulting people (what?) Kat came into Liveworm today to 'talk to Sebastian'. She read my blog. And figured out the extremely complex coding system for Kat (K_t) so yeah. She wasn't happy. We worked it out. She apologised for defending Hitler, I apologised for insulting her. BUT still, I must say this; her elitist attitude isn't appreciated, apology or not. BUT with that in mind I am a bit of a jerk, and should maybe stop writing mean things about people.



It's my little brothers birthday tomorrow (he's turning 19 and is hardly a little kid anymore but I'm stuck in my ways!) so wish him a happy birthday!


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