Saturday, August 27, 2005


On an unrelated note did you know that the Mr Fusion addition to the Back to the Future time machine was based on a coffee grinder from Krups? Neither did I, but it totally was.



Also, working on a Lichtenstein stencil. I'm post an image or two soon....


PS. BEST WEBSITE EVER! Searching for a sound effect? Trying to hear a French police siren, or the sound of a tram bell? Well look (or listen as it were) no further than FindSounds-dot-com! YAY!

PPS. DON'T SAY YOU WEREN'T EXPECTING A SUSS COMMENT. But don't you think the game 'Heads Down, Thumbs Up' is a great euphemism for oral sex? I sure do. Another childhood game ruined. Success.

PPPS. Listening to multiple cover versions of 'When Doves Cry' and reading the archives of one of my favorite blogs. Here is one of her quotes that I thought particularly amusing at this time of night (11.30pm): "One more thing. Whatever happened to the days when you could end an argument by huffily saying, "Good day, sir!"

PPPPS. T'aking a page from Mimi I turned my home phone number into a word. WOW! What fun. KLO1RAK0. My mobile number is much less fun. 0G0B1XYUBO. Make-a-no-sense-a. I'm suddenly Italalian-a! ??-a

PPPPPS. A neutron walks into a bar.
He says, "Hey, how much for a beer?"
The bartender says, "For you, no charge."

PPPPPPS. If I was ever going to do a giant image combining two pop culture artist/icons/styles, this'd shirley be it. Or at least what it'd look like. This is not very big. YET!


PPPPPPPS. BEST COLORS. EVER! Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. So nice. So very nice. So pure or something. Damn you crazy primary school color system. Red, Blue, Yellow. Just seems so unnatural and gross. Cyan and Magenta are da booms.

PPPPPPPPS. BEST POSTING SYSTEM EVER! The post-script. Neatly sidesteps the need for literal thought and cohesion between those icky things called paragraphs. And totally looks less lazy than a numbering list type dealie. HA! The perfect scam.

PPPPPPPPPS. According to Freud (a relative of mine, by the way!) I have a major oral fixation because I was never breast fed. Which is why I chew pens (PENS! notice the lack of 'i') and smoke and etcetera. And why I'm so obsessed with other mouth related things like talking, kissing and of course dirty-nasty-kinky oral sex. Like. Duh. But anyway let's all get psycho-analytical on you ass. Which reminds me, you can't spell analytical, or psycho-analytical without ANAL. Ha! Read into that one Freud. Oh you did already? What? I'm in love with my mother?! And father!? Damn you, damn you to the max. I said good-day sir!


Anonymous said...

I think huffing and saying "good day sir" should be phased back in.... give it a shot elliott

Elliott Scott said...

WOW! A comment! YAY. Huff! Good day (night) to you sir (madam)!

Anonymous said...

Damn man, u on speed ballz 2nite!

OOh... did i hit a speeling nerve eliot?

OOh yeah, a good day indeed.

(witch obnoxious fwiend wood send dis?)

Anonymous said...

Ugh.... sigh. I don't which friend wrote it, but anyone who writes like this is no friend of mine

Anonymous said...

i think u were supposed to say is "i don't KNOW which friend...."

nuff said

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

two che