Thursday, October 27, 2005



OK GUYS, I've done my folio, so I promise to stop pestering you with infrequent and boring updates. Instead I'll be returning to the usual crap; me whining, stupid stuff that happens, and my friends acting like idiots. HOORAY


Anonymous said...

hey elliott first time to the site in a while folio looks awesome... again blast u to the dungeon where u and your folio can be gone... wait thats a little harsh... the folio can stay with us...

eh... nite

Elliott Scott said...

Gee thanks Anna. That means a lot coming from you. We were discussing who is in contention for top folio award and your name came up and was agreed upon. So if you think my folio is good, well it might very well be.

In case you care, other names mentioned were:
- Elvira
- Bec
- Justin
- Lana
- Dian
- Jen

Those were Soryi's guesses not mine. My money is on you. I personally don't think Justin is gonna win, and if he does... well the sh*t is gonna hit the fan! Lana is a possibility too. And Elvira. And Soryi...

But if anyone of you guys win that'd be cool. I'd be totally jealous and kick your asses, but it'd be cool.

Anonymous said...

oo they are some good contestants... I reckon when someone wins folio not only do they win the power over all of us to gloat but also should get an never ending use of all GRIFFITH universities facilities... including halls and studios for parties and any other celebrations... mmm i dont see myself winning folio... but if i do i expect roars and cheers from the audience and arm whipping motions of all sorts...ah some day jimmy some day.