Monday, October 31, 2005

TRICK OR TREAT? or forget...


HAPPY HALLOWEEN BOILS AND GHOULS. I actually totally forgot it was Halloween. I normally am much more focused on this holiday because of the: 1. Candy 2. Little kids dressed up 3. Holding onto my Americanisms 4. I get to dress up.

Actually ignore #2. But this year I totally had other things on my mind. Which is sucky. I don't like this whole 'uni' thing anymore. It's taking up too much of my time and energy. It sucks butt. That's right; BUTT.


1 comment:

sar86 said...

You graphics designers complain all the time.

Well you only have 3 weeks left of uni...i have another 3 years after this one...clearly it can't 'suck butt' that much for you [whatever that means...lets not ponder on that].

clearly having to type up law summaries has made me a bitter bitter stop complaining