Saturday, October 29, 2005

SHIFT_you're an ass


Linus thinks he cool with his wiki page. His list about me is particularly clever, well thought out and just generally accurate. My rebuttal is as follows:

Why Linus Bowman is a stupid-head.
1 He has a head, which is stupid.
2 He likes PC's. STUPID!
3 He thinks that smoking isn't cool.
4 His name is a thumb-sucking 5 year old friend of Charlie Brown
5 My blog has more readers than his 3 blogs and wiki, combined!


Elliott Scott said...

There's nothing I would like to do more than chillax, Amanda, but without a decent education, you could spend the rest of your life as a ditch digger, or a motel maid, or a hooker.

Elliott Scott said...

Nobody loves you, like your blog.

Elliott Scott said...

my mom is dead

Elliott Scott said...

How zen of you. You should consider going to school. And to school.

Anonymous said...
