Wednesday, October 12, 2005



I'm doing a little mini-magazine to go inside the portfoliogazine dedicated to just the t-shirts I did. I'm only doing this for design accuracy and not because I'm fully self-absorbed or anything like that. Yeah right. Anyway the mini-mag looks cool enough I guess. Here is the cover. Nice and mundane. I'm not even wearing on of the shirts. HA HA! Continuity!? What the heck is that?


PS. Sittin' in front of a bin next to Liveworm. Great coincidence about the "do not overfill" message being right next to my brain. Good stuff.

PPS. It's little Mondayne's FIRST BIRTHDAY tomorrow. He's turning 1 year(s) old. Hooray! I can't believe I made it this far. I couldn't have / wouldn't have bothered if it wasn't for all you guys and your support. Thank you so much for the encouraggement and the readership. To celebrate I have a 20GB iPod to give away to anyone who answers the following question correctly. How many times have I changed the appearance of the blog (not including profile changes, just stuff like the background, or the masthead or stuff like that) Send me your name and contact details and I will choose a winner at random. Good luck. ***A clue: It's more than once, less than a billion times. Hope that helped.

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