Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Today is Remebrance Day, and in an act of uncharacteristic compassion, I want to honor this in my own way. I will have a minute silence, as well as an 11 line break in my blog. Please take a minute silence as well, as you read the emptiness...

In this time of struggle and unrest, we should be able to band together to love and respect people who have died for what they believed in, even if it conflicts with our own beliefs.

No-one deserves to die in battle. I am eternally grateful for the brave people who fought for a cause that allows me to live my life the way I do. In particular the people from our grandparents generation. Sure, the war stories may be boring to listen to, but they are nonetheless worth listening to. Thanks grandpa and grandma.

I'm Elliott Scott, bowing my head, and signing off.

PS. In WW2 both of my grandfather's fought against the Japanese in the Pacific. One of my grandfather's aircraft carrier was bombed by kamikaze pilots. He lived. My two grandmothers were nurses in Europe. I had relatives who died in the gas chambers. I thank the people who fought for their freedom. My parents both protested against the war in Vietnam in the 60's. They didn't believe in the cause. Or maybe they were scared. My dad fled to Canada because he was drafted.

I would be scared too. I am thankful for the brave people who stood up and fought. They are people I look up too.

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