Friday, November 12, 2004


Originally uploaded by Elliott Scott.
Just saw "Shaun of the Dead". F*CKING FUNNY!!! OMG freakin hilarious shit. So good. 3 NOSES!

Not only was it funny, a good parody of the tried to death (sorry for the pun) genre of zombie horror, it was also good social commentary. That we're all zombies. But its not thrust in your face, everything is subtle.

Listen carefully to the ambient sounds. Sound is SSSSOOOO well done in this movie. Better than anything I can think of. Really subtle again.

Subtle. But GOOD!
I can't stress this enough.

And the posters are really cool too. Comic-booky. Nice line art. And cool simple colors. Black, red and white. How can you go wrong? How? Tell me. Them ruskies and the Russian constructivism. You can't say that style isn't cool. NO! Don't say it! You can't.


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