Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The Property of Ones

As strong bad says in his email with the similar title...

"The one-itude is directly proportional to the colditude".
Meaning, the colder the beer, the more of a beer it is.

In my hand I am holding a Jimmy Boag. Which is normally quite a one. Yet, this is a slightly-cooler-than-room-temperature; therefore not much of a one. Cold ones, by very nature are cold. And this is not. It tastes like rotten sprite, rather than the sweet life giving nectar that it normally is.

And now, to seem smrt I shall typea lot of big words.... visa vi, inconcordantly, ergo, hitherto, and the grand-daddy of all big words; propseudocontraneoantidisestablishmentarianistically... which I actually know the meaning of, but will save for another post.

Thus concludes the post.


PS. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go to:
www.homestarrunner.com .... check out the strong bad emails, they be funy.

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